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Training at Hougang SEC!!!:D
*SORRY,SORRY~~~I Want NOBODY,NOBODY,But YOU!!!*Pulled myself up early in the morning at 5.30am..was still grabbing around in search for my prepared for the day and set off,meeting Yiwen and Syaff!Our first training togetheR!Didn't know that to take bus to hougang sec, it'll take slightly longer luhh.Ended up running to the school.LOL!*Panting~*Did a simple briefing and got started with the session. Good thing about the training today is that the students were initially having leadership camp, thus, bonding is built between them.No NEED TO RA-RA!~:)Group names was interesting..(Lollipop, Pokka Green Tea, Bling Bling CoCKTail and Genre), unlike the previous group was named-CHICKEN RICE(just because everybody's favourite food's that!)Majority of the student leaders were hyped up..Kept cheering and playing among themselves before Ben started the activities rolling:)
That was when we were preparing the com and stuff..while some others were playing around with the BALL:)
Ice breaker!:D...I'm seriously bad with scissors-paper-stone cann!Kept going back to the 'egg' stage and nearly kena forfeit!..Luckily mann!Hope the facils had fun!:)
They were asked to dance GEE, in the end, the danced Nobody..I really have to learn a way to remember all their names mann!I only remembered Kennedy.Looks like English names are easier to remember..haha!
Doing the D-I-S-C's nice to know about how the people in your group behaves:D
Energizer: Snake and Ladder!!:DAkira and Ben are creative enough to give instructions using stories!MAking them more alert too!:)-Skills to learn:)-
Another forfeit!'In the jungle...the mighty jungle...the lion sleeps tonight!~'They were suppose to pose as both the hippo and dog..damnnn funny!:D
Shake your body people!~:DD
Was lucky enough to facilitate a group with 'born' leaders:DThey really stand out in the crowd and lead their fellow leaders yeah:)Esp Alvin and Lina(not too sure about the spelling)..some others did a great job too!:DKnowing ways to tackle with people such as sharp shooters, shy students...I'm sure they'd learnt something out of this:DRead on some of their comments of the really sweet one was something like this..'I hope you will go to other schools and teach them the knowledge so that we can all learn these good stuff together..'(:
Sharing their different opinions and coming up with their ice breakers within the given time..
Their breakfast...was our lunch~LOL!
Syaff left earlier while akira,ben and yiwen went to meet up with gerald..chatted around and left off in the evening:)~Yeppp.So that's about my day!:DSimply enjoy this job...people them the advice to guide them..and at the same time..learning from them to..quoted from Alvin:'We should respect others in order to make them respect and listen to us...(:'Everyday is a brand new day for you to learn something NEW:)
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