After all the days of preparation and midnight oil burnt..the DAY's finally here!!!23 Cards made..countless gifts given and such a festive season, no words can ever describe my joy and how grateful and honoured i felt of having such an AWESOME bunch of friends!Hope the Birthday girl had a great Advance Celebration too yeahh!sorry to have made you walk around blind folded..we jus need some time to get things done=X
Special thanks to Nisa and family for all the exquisite feast prepared for us!Even took the time to tie the ribbons for the chicken sweeet...Seriously touched to the MAX cann!!!:)
Also to Jason, Farrell and Yonghao for staying up and doing the Piniatas, of course also for tolerating with the smell!!!haha!Finally, it's over guys..and your effort paid off well!!!:D
Thanks to every single one who came-Farrell, Yonghao, Teeyong,Jason, Jerrold, Yiwen, yiyue, Jayne, Yingying, Huihui, Kris, Yanhui, Standley, Bloom, Cass, Joan, Shufei, Hanlin, Jianhong, Amani, Syaff, Atiqah, Nisa, Junjie--Without you guys, the whole event wont be POSSIBLE!!:DDD
Yepp, that's for the day..It's 2.40am now..*yawns*..Still skyping with Jayne and Hanlin..Gonna turn into some PANDA soon yeahhh.Bon Voyage to Junjie and hope he'd have fun in DUBAI!!!:D
HOHOHOHOHOHO~~~MERRY X'MAS tO ALL!!!:DDDSimply love this group of lovely friends..and will truly treasure my friendships with them~~:DDDCan't wait for more upcoming parties and outings!!!:)
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