Today was considered a lucky day for me..partly because i met a gd retaileR!!:DNot only did he helped me out with some of the admin, but also got me my lunch!!:)haha!The uncle kept asking me to go and get the drinks from the fridge myself but in fact, the long-queue in front of me'd never allowed me to stop.Wanted to excuse myself to the loo, but ended up staring blankly at the queue outside the toilet-.-Forget walked back again.
The store today was located right in front of the stairs,so you could imagine how the crowd was like..NON-stop luhh!but keeping myself busy was a lot better than stoning eh?haha!Getting really heaty these days..and hope i won't fall sick again:(
Hui was telling me last week that weiliang won't be coming as an I/c..but he came today!haha.I think he's really easy-going the way as in he's easier to talk to.
Was pretty satisfied with my performance today:)Cos' i manage to clear all the premiums by 5.30am and got all stock checkeD!!!Haha!Was sitting by the loading bay to finish up my chicken rice-.-
Went on to Fareast and met JJ,Shihui,Jiasheng,Newel and peeps:) Had Dinner at this stall called 'MianZhongmian' lunch became my dinner-.-But it's alright though..wasn't really hungry.
After a long day of work..i'm like super Garhhhh on the way home..partly because of my throat..wasn't in the right mood as the rest went laughing about the songs and stuff..i felt as if my forehead's warming home and gulped myself down with LOTS of water.Hope it helps!:D
*Siggghsss*As i was walking home..thinking about my day at work..the time i spent for the past few it going on for LE trainings...outings with friends..planning the different parties..working as a promoter...going on for jobhunt..I'm seriously starting to miss school life..those carefree time that we once used to enjoy..but we took that for granted..complaining about waking up early in the morning..staying back for remedials..reporting back for night studies..but thinking back in time..the moment that i'd truly wanna treasure was the time we were laughing as one..over khairul's stupid moves during a game of captains' ball..meeting besties in the canteen..slapping and poking one another when we meet..asking ''what are you eating?''..sitting in the usual group..chatting about the whole day's work..laughing off those racist jokes..rushing out of school for a simple cup of bubbletea,or perhaps another cheesefries..Arghhhh..I REALLY WANNA HAVE A TIME MACHINE!!!!Where i can turn back in time...and enjoy the moments which i used to regard them as ''tiring days''
Tired the days may be..but just by coming back to complete my schduled revisions..listening to the ''muttons to midnight''..trying to rush out my coursework for FE..and screaming in the middle of the night jus because i forgt to save my projects..those days were truly WONDERFUL..sooo memorable that i hope i could make them into a movie..that i can replay as many times as i wish i could..*sighhh*'s turning 1am now..waking early in the morning and reporting for my dental appt tmr..removing my braces in the lower jaw.Frankly speaking, i really can't bear to remove's has been part of me for the past 2.5 years or so..though it maybe troublesome..clearing those food stucked within those wirings..but i just felt as if it's been once part of my life. Knowing that wearing it for too long may not be healthy for my teeth..i'd to really think twice and 'let it go'...
-Signing off..with a tiring SMILE:)-
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