Woke up early in the morning and went back to school to help out with the unpacking of the kitchen stuff:)The new school site's SUPER BIG cann!Esp the indoor sports hall and the field..niceeee:)Did a lot of tearing and opening..cleaning and stuff..though it may be a little tiring, but it's really nice to be back to school and giving our services to our teachers:)
Went for dental appt in the noon after that.Was practically screaming through my lungs luhh!the drilling sucks!Who ask me to eat so many sweets and not brushing properly?that's the price to pay!arghhh.
Since i was in town for my appt, Weehong, JJ and teeyong came to shop around and went around for sales.haha!Shopped till around 5pm+ before we left for the job interviewed intro-ed by JJ.
Initially , i thought it was suppose to be in a office or something, but in the end, it was at some void deck-.-
Was roughly briefed and followed some 'officers'(forgot what's the right term) around to see how they promote. Though the job may allow us to gain experiences in sales, however, it's rather scary to go door-to-door doing the promotions..still thinking about it..^^
That's about it for the day..damnn tired now..gotta' go for an early rest!Nights people!!!:)
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