WEeEsS!!~The Movie Speed Racer RawkS!A perfect Movie to suit my mood today^^Hahas..love Emile Hirsch casting as Speed in the movie and the little Chim Chim!!*Laughs*The movie's really thrilling and will definitely make one feel the strong urge of jumping up in the middle of the theatre!!So damn COOL!The Credits nort onli goes to the Actors and Actresses..but also to the DIRECTORS!Having such brilliant ideas for the storyline~~HaHA!Thanks to Yiwen, Yiyue, Shaoyi, Standley, Danny and Lihan Too..For the sweet accompaniment too:D..hahas..but danny shii pro de lor..fell asleep in the mid of the show..The show's like freaking interesting and Everybody in the theatre is cheering and laughing away..and yet..he find the mood for a nap..Peii fu~and yeahs..despite of the comment given from standley's cousin, we still chose to watch it..and WE WILL NEVER REGRET IT!~Hahas..LOVE THE SHOW TO LIKE~~WooOTs!Strongly recommend this show to you guys..and especially YOU!The one reading this post:D..hahas..kaes...shall jus show u some of the pictures...jus by reading y comment wont be gd enough..the best thing is to jusWATCH IT!IMMEDIATELY!!Hahas..You will never want to miss such an awesome movie!~:DDDDBut for those people who doesnt have any interest in racing and all, u might nort find this movie interesting..however..if u like Rain..as the cast or some other Actor, so be it..u can also try watching the the movie:D Cutie pie Qiqi!~Watch, Scratch and Win!~Hahas..Yiyue scratching the card~Tickets:DDDWatched the movie at theatre 4~WaitingSs..The Speed Racer PopCorn Combo!~Cute huh? SPEED RACER!!XD Racer X..The cool one~~
The Turn's really WowS!..though it's animated la..the effect's PuUrRFECT~ Spritle and Chim chim are the two cheeky ones..hahas:D Speed Racer 5!!~But everyone'll be dying for the 6th.. The Racing Starts.. The Wonderful ending..but too bad..Rex didnt reconcile with his family..SobsS.
♥Felicia Ng A.J xD♥ 24 Feb:))♥ Student Councillor:D♥ PSL><♥ 1C/2A/3A was my past & 4A is my present^^♥ ♥ to be with PeEps like: Yiwen,Yiyue,Jayne,Shaoyi,Ying Ying,Junjie,Farrell,Teeyong,Weehong, Standley,Hanlin,Kristabel,Huihui,Atiqah,Nisa and loads more..♥ Was in blGps but is in hkSs NOW!♥
-To get a new phone!
-To have more clothes and baggies!
-To pierce my ears!
-Friends forever!!
-Get to have working experience!!
-Achieve good results!(Straight As)
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