~Felt damn High today:D:D:D!!!Arhs!!!!Double happiness!~Finished the last paper and get to go out with my beloved Friends..Thanks!!!XD
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm FREE!!!~~XD
~HeyS DuDesS!Yeaps..I'm Finally FREE!!!~Finished the last paper today!Hack care le!LOLs...was like damn high and hyper today!!!XD..The whole class was Screaming at our top of our voice and Cheering like HELL!(*The teacher might be wondering if she's went into the wrong class..3A might nort be quiet:X)LOLs~Shaoyi was counting down even before the time is up to drop our pens..hahas..so bad la..the teacher invigilating was like looking at us..wondering why were we all laughing~LOLS!!!!So the last paper ended like this..Physics!Hais..sure die de lorhs..memorise so many things and so little of them came out in the paper..didnt read much on the chapt light and the whole damn paper was having almost 40% of the question on that!ShatS!But nvm..It's all over now..TIME TO PARTY!!!Hahas:D..Came back home and get myself changed before meeting my clique to wander around Town to PARTY!~slack in other words*Hahas..was actually suppose to go for buffet at sakae de..but changed our mind..haiish..my freaking heels were really killing me..regret wearing it larhs..so damn pain!~><..but despite of it, the shopping and fun that i had with my besties has indeed leave another chapter of sweet memories for me^^..hahas..simply love em'!But maybe we're all too tired after all the walkings..yeaps..was like doing all the funny shoppings routine in the different malls around orchard!Then as we were walking, we saw this erms..how should i put it..a statue barhs..but it's actually a man posing with his whole body painted gold..really give it up to him lo..he really pose there like a statue and didnt even move!!!Gosh..and he was tearing away yeah..poorthing..so we donated some money to him:D..Support him ma..so伟大..为艺术牺牲yeah..Had an awesome Day today..hope we can go out again yeaps:DShall upload some random pics taken today yea...*WinkSs**
My Bubble tea for DistresS!
Yiyue playing with some thingy wingy in Action City~
Shaoyi and Ying ying Grabbing some bites on the chocs stationery..too hungry le..:P
Shaoyi browsing around with some stuff too^^
The two kiddies playing with the Humongous Calculator..:X
Buying some Sweeties:D
The bear's Fist!Wanna try?!
Slacking and having great fun in the Arcade!XP
Basketball Matchies!We're FREE!Hahas..Relieving all our STRESS!
Bo luo bao~~Yummies(:
My luncheon meat Mee Sua~
Them watching closely to the video on Stan's Phone..
Laughing Hilariously with the 'Pregnant' Joke~LOLS!
Yiyue enjoying her Fish and Chips..
Standley acting cool huh?!jkjk..
The Sweet and Sour Chicken Spagetti of Shaoyi's and ying ying..
YummieS:DDigging into the Mango snow ice!!WooTs!
The top view of it..Haiyo..making me hungry~
Side viewsS..hahas..look Appetising yeah~
Yiyue finished her meal..hahas..bao bao le~~
The mess we made in the ice~X(
The Billings came..
Was kindda bored...so exchanged Uniform with my sis..haha..XP
~Felt damn High today:D:D:D!!!Arhs!!!!Double happiness!~Finished the last paper and get to go out with my beloved Friends..Thanks!!!XD
~Felt damn High today:D:D:D!!!Arhs!!!!Double happiness!~Finished the last paper and get to go out with my beloved Friends..Thanks!!!XD
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