~After all The Activities and Lunch, It was time for the HIGH Moment..HIP HOP!Purify was invited specially to teach us the basics of hiphop dance and also the culture of it..Love the dance and song!But it's kindda 'LOW' huh..anw, the members of Purify is really COOL!..and Cute too..LOL~..Some of the girls in our group is like..Gosh...having a very Big discussion over them..hahas..yeaps..and that's for the Hip Hop Dance(:
~Game Station @ night^^..hahas...The most hilarious thing was that a 'gambling den' was set up for the members to earn more tokens..but who knows, like what people always say, Shi du jiu shu..and so many ppl still chose to go and gamble..LOLS..but luckily..we didnt lose much..and the credit goes to wenjing, who was trying her best to stop Kangyu and Junquan from playing..*Laughs*..Both of them can be Du Wang le la..LOLs!But besides that game station, we also learnt a lot of different skills from the respective stations:D..And from the games, we can show our TIE TOU's TEAM SPIRIT!!:DDD
The different Idioms and mi ti~~
The PaintSs..RED!~
Craving the word liu out from the sponge..><
Learning the culture of TEA~~
Picking out the right word for the cheng yu~~
Human Tetris..Quite fun^^
Forming words of wen hua ying using the oranges..
Our Team Spirit Yeah..
The biggest 'Mao Bi' I've ever seen..
'Ying'..the word we wrote..TOGETHER!
Forfeit time:D..They had to pay the price for being..TAN DU~贪赌*
Having the 大小 game..
Shouting Their choice Out!!DA!DA!DA!
See how gd is the Gambling Den's business?!
Playing Black Jack to earn Token..Haiish..we lost our Jia chan here..
Having our rehearsal for our skit..
The different Gals..Hahas..waiting for their turns to get into the scene.^^
Group discussion again~~
Was far too bored..so cut the cups until~~Hopeless~
My cup and Shihui's Cup~(*Or isit Michelle's?Nort sure><)
Having the Xing Shi Jiang zhuo..and also got to Have a hands on experience on the drums..cool yeah:D
Yuhan!She's got the potential for this huh!
Playing Some games within the group:D..and i was attacked first><
Our breakfast...unique yeah..
Prettaire Shuying and Kaiqi~XD
Wenjing in the Shi tou~
Kangyu's turn to try..hahas..(*I really Suspect that Kangyu and Teeyong's related la..have such similar personality..LOLs)
WenJing Trying on the Da Tou Fuo~
The two Cute guys from De ming sec..Their performance's really COOL!
ShuAii Shuaii dE Shi Zi!~
The Drummer's Or Percussion Team~
The two Cute kiddies who were curious about what we were doing..:D
Learning the basic skills of bring a lion dance 'Drummer' ..
My Basic Zhuo Pin for the Paper cutting~
The Jiiang Shii~~
The guys in our group cutting the red papers..
Shihui cutting:D
My Jie zhuo:D
Out of boreness again..The more modern piece..=P
WooOTs!After the great fun in wild wild wet:D
The Grand Opening Ceremony..
The Titanic story~So Romantic:D
Woohs!!Romantic seh..hahas..
Their skit really receive uncountable CheeringSs Yeaps:D
Games!!~The law of physics..
The whip Cream game..hahas..creative game:D
The Banana Tree Story..
Some of the Top 16 Participants for the Qiang Mai Compeitition..
Shaoyi's group performing..
LOLs..Another group's turn..If i'm nort wrong...should be fei tian wu.onli gort to know each other for 2 days..and they gort married:X
~The Celebration Starts...
Played Truth or Dare and Jason gort the DARE yeah..TUO YI WU!~
KangYu did the same too..but had to confess to one of the leader:P(*天涯海角有你有我,因为有才会有我-He was asked to say this..)
The happenings in the room..hahas..ChattieS!
The two Great Leaders:D-JunQuan and Wen Jing(:
The GoodieS!:D
Kangyu gort the forfeit again..POLE DANCE!!
Jason was asked to helped him by being the 'POLE'...LOL:D..both of them really make us laugh like hell!!~
Poh Cheong doing the Dancing:DSOLO~
Kangyu Observing the $2 note...finding the 'horse'..
Wenjing looking closely too:P
Shuying doing the same too^^
The Whole lot of peeps enjoying their Chatties and supper~:D
A great morning to start a great day..XD
Calling their group members to gather~~
Yawns..The panda Eyes of ours...so tired!!!called us up at 8am+..and we slept at ard 5am+..
Kang yu Kena the Dare again...gtta confess to Kelvin..no choice!(:
Thanks to Xinyi:D..A sweet gal indeed!
All enjoying our breakfast(:
Our FooDie!~
Playing truth or Dare again..and this time round..xiao ying kena.
Our group flags among the crowds..
Tie tou and another gal from fei tian wu dancing Latin~
Kaiqi had to ask her friend to put on a jacket for her(:
The close up of the confession~
JunQuan inviting Si Lei on stage~
Qing Xiiang singing for Yuhan...WooOTs!
The Two prettaire Zi pai gals:D..Xiaoyin and Yuhan~
Our cute Zhu Zhang..JunQuan~
And his Kawaii Partner..Wenjing~
The long queues lining up to sign up for the Quest o8'~
The participation slip..
Prize Presentation...Congrats!!
The HuGgies came~
JunQuan Singing to si lei on stage!*Cheers!*..bu kui shii wo men de zhu zhang..^^
The People that make this camp a success!XD
Tong Xun Yuan and gong wei Team RawKS:D
Tie Tou Liu Rawks to the Core Too!!!LOVE U PEOPLE!!
The great performance put up by the Leaders..
Shake It!!!><
The Great memories left behind at the Coastal Sand resorts..:D
~The Celebration Starts...

~And the Cultural camp o8' comes to an end like this..simply love the people in our group yeaps:D,see you guys on the 8June yea;D..Will be missing the laughters we had,Tietou Liu..the best team Ever~~:DDDHope we'll all stay in contact^^
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