Yeah..that's it..gonna get myself some revision yeah...getting really shall end my post here..short and Sweet^^
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Yawns...jus came back from Our FE lessons...So boring luhs...went to school early in the morning and jus went thru' the basics laws..Dragged myself out of bed early in the morning and met Yiwen and yiyue as for yesterday, my com was like throwing tantrums luh!Freak..always like that derhs..blogged half way and it jus shut down automatically..humph!~So niida edit the whole post again><..yups..went to Danny's house ytd and then to Bugis to get some computerize equipment to save my com..bought some tees too^^ here's the PicSss!Hope to spend my time during this June hols Fulfillingly..There's nort much time to waste yeahs...arghs!..Having the quest tmr...must jiayou yeah..gonna win and TRY OUR BEST!!ALL THE WAY YUPS!!Ending point'd be at DTE..hope to complete the whole race yups!:DD
Some of the Tees and clothes bought recently..hahas..they're nort all mine of cos!
Jayne Writing some Stuff on the board:D
Thanks Danny's mum for the sumptuous lunch!!Love her!:DD
Them practicing their Tennis Skills..haha!
Hmms...See no evil;X
Yeah..that's it..gonna get myself some revision yeah...getting really shall end my post here..short and Sweet^^
Yeah..that's it..gonna get myself some revision yeah...getting really shall end my post here..short and Sweet^^
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
TwInning Chalet RawKs To tHe CoRe!!XD
WeEesS!!~Finally back to My Dearly bed:D..hahas..Hasnt been sleeping much during the chalet yups..So damn tired..but after some Winkss and NapS..It's much back to the topic..The chalet's considered a Great success i guess:D..hahas..Especially the First day!Was having Great Fun!!!:DD..LOLs:D..And Awesome Laughters too!..Esp during the Dare Devil game^^..Hahs.Hmms..shall start from the very first meet:D..Woke up early in the morning on monday..Dragged all my stuff to the bus stop before meeting Joan, Shufei and ying ying..Then..proceeding to JE MRT station to meet the rest!Hahas..Everybody was carrying 大包小包的..辛苦大家 after a blinky journey..which means it's pretty fast luh..we reached DTE to start buying the rest of the food while waiting for some other rest of the peeps:D..Checked in at around 3pm+ and did a thorough 'inspection' in the resort:D.Thanks to Hanlin's Sis yeaps:D..Ying ying, Kailin, Shufei and joan started the preparation for our dinner first and i totally agreed that they indeed did a Great Job!!Kaes...shall nort bored you further yups..uploaded some randoms pics and here's the first part of my post:D
Taking the bus to DTE~~
Shaoyi and Teeyong Playing the 'Stare-no-blink' game..LOLs!
Hanlin Posing with the leaf..Like Kiddie:D..CutE~(*with the cap luh)
The Yummy spaggetti prepared by the babes:d..Thanks!
On our way back to home Sweet Home~~:DDDD it comes to the wonderful end of the Chalet Party..leaving us with numerous sweet memories..and hope everybody'd enjoyed themselves yeah...will definitely try to learn from the mistakes we made and improve on it during the next chalet outing^^..hahas..and yups..hope Hanlin will find his charger soon yups..out of worries de..and if any of you'd mistaken the charger or things that doesnt belong to you, do inform me or any of us..ThankSss!MisSsED the moments of Fun and Laughters...tears jus trickled down DRAMATIC:X..hahas..kaes yeahs...getting really tired now..hmms..shant edit the colour of the font for this post yups..too lazy lerhs..jus hope you've enjoyed looking at the photoSs:DDDEnjoy your holidays yupS!!Yeah..and If you'd want to crave for more, Do check out Hanlin's blogGieS:D
On our way to DTE..Standing and Stoning on Train for first few mins..haha!XD
>>Yups..Talking about it..The Dare Devil was really a Dare one..hahas..make so many of Us P.S!!We're suppose to Like do what ever the crushed papers says and wo shii Shuay de lorhs!Humph~gort to do 5 DareSs..Gosh..But at least we enjoyed it!hahas..It's jus a game marhs:D开心最重要!!!haha! the games jus went on~~~~With much laughters in between^^Yups..and yeahs..we also went to the pool nearby and Had a splashing great fun!hahas..was like playing with water like juvenile kiddies!LOLs!But 是好玩的okays!^^
Zac kena the Dare and Teeyong had to tickle his foot-sole!!Gosh~是痒 de okays!
Teeyong Opening the Champagne!*POP!*
The tired oneSs!~Yawns=Oo...Sweet dreams yups:D
Our breakfast~~~of cos nort just that!
Ying ying 亲自下厨 lehs...
With Kailin and Xiyun helping too^^
Our 'Egg' breakfast~~~Thanks to the cooking comittee!hahas!:DD
Our sleeping bunks~~~
~After our sumptuous breakfast, we decided to go to Escape theme park for some activities and Rides!!Hahas...Cos' we've gort enough singtel users within us..We'd gort to enjoy the 30% discount..haha!that shows we're LUCKY"Winks!*'!:D..We even Qiang Sia..something like competing with some other group of ppl who're wearing a OBS Tee with the top of our voice!*SCREAMSsSs*Enjoy the Cheering most(*The HKSS SPIRIT YEAH!!)!!!WeEesS!We're really damn high de larhs!And thanks to Hanlin and Teeyong for leading:DDEven went into the HAUNTED HOUSE!!Gosh..despite of telling myself nort to scream and cry..i did so..Sobs!..must learn to be more brave yups..It's jus a haunted house..but it's jus far too scary can?!LOLs..poor shaoyi even broke into tears!不怕不怕。。Uploaded some random pics taken in Escape..^^
Missing our childhood lots..can tell huh..
The two Captain at the front!Ding*Ding*~
ying ying And shaoyi Looked really Scared yups..
The Act cute ones...LOL~
Them enjoying the Helicopter trip~
Recollecting the moments of our childhood~~
They've did well..So we rang the bell^^
Enjoying excitement under the Drizzles..*WET!!*
The SplashingsS among the boysSs..
After all the fun in the rain..We cooked some noodles to Stop our rumbles!Everybody was sharing the noodles..
And hanlin was eating using the big pot..hahs..
Our creation...hope it'd tasted alright:D
The Downfall...
Shaoyi and Teeyong Starting the fire...
Me and Ying ying with our Marshmallow..We do look pale yups..cos of our lack of SleepS..Yawns..=Oo..
BBQ-ing the MarshieSs!*yumSs*
The Boys Fanning the fire...
Another group of them starting the BBQ...
The sleeping heads resting again..yeahs..and glad that my panadol flu'd shown effects yup..^^
The sweet potato..
OtahSs and SataySs..^^
Slacking huhs?!LOLs..They're jus too tired..:D
Yummy Sting Ray!!But This really make me喷火 yeah~~*SPICY*!!
Thanks to Shaoyi and Xiyun for the Hard work yupS!
Having fun at the kiddies corner again..that tells how 'young' we are..XD
Dancing the Para Para Machine in the arcade~first attempt and did pretty well:D
Hanlin choosing the PS at first huh?LOL~
Having a Rolling Ball' Fight in the Kids' grounD*ATTACK ARHS!!*
Creating the different BBQ method on the food..^^
Them enjoying BBQ-ing~:P
Food that makes our RumblingSsSs Stops..
>>After some time of doing the BBQ-ing, some of us was kindda bored and decided to watch the Sunrise!!!WeEeS! damn nice yeahs..but our eyes were almost close by the time the sun we jus joked and played around along the's the piCcies then:DDD
SlacKingSss and looking at Teeyong Sleepin'...
The Sun's out!^^
Nice scenery yeaps:D
The sky lighting up~~
The star fish we saw~~~
The shore...
The Cute cloudieS:D
Taking some shotS:D
The group of them~~~:P
Lurve the Sight:DD
Them disturbing the CraBbieS:D
The Seashell we picked~~:DD
HAnlin Throwing the bottle into the sea..LOLS~
Teeyong and Zac strolling on the beach?! la~
The Love Between Ying and Yiwen:X
FRIENDS FOREVER!!!You Qing Wan Sui!!
TwInNing 08' Rawks To the coRe!!
Teeyong disturbing the CrABbies Again~~
The small little Crab that he caught~~LOLs!
The beautiful sight~~

On our way back to home Sweet Home~~:DDDD it comes to the wonderful end of the Chalet Party..leaving us with numerous sweet memories..and hope everybody'd enjoyed themselves yeah...will definitely try to learn from the mistakes we made and improve on it during the next chalet outing^^..hahas..and yups..hope Hanlin will find his charger soon yups..out of worries de..and if any of you'd mistaken the charger or things that doesnt belong to you, do inform me or any of us..ThankSss!MisSsED the moments of Fun and Laughters...tears jus trickled down DRAMATIC:X..hahas..kaes yeahs...getting really tired now..hmms..shant edit the colour of the font for this post yups..too lazy lerhs..jus hope you've enjoyed looking at the photoSs:DDDEnjoy your holidays yupS!!Yeah..and If you'd want to crave for more, Do check out Hanlin's blogGieS:D
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