Congrats to those peeps who'd received the thumbs up award collar pins too:DEnvious eh,cos they're nice:DDAfter the Assembly, had the normal CME lesson but was rather sad to hear the news that Ao nan will be joining 3A from tomorrow onwards.Awww.We'll all miss him for sure!:DAnd To peeps of 3A, do be nice to him yeah:DAnd help him along the way^^
Was practically snapping all the way thru' the lessons and even took a class photo(:Simply love 4A'o9 to the core yeah,we're nice people!!Haha!And Yeahs, physics structured lesson was cancelled!!!PheW~Got to end the lesson earlier,so decided to go for lunch at JE:D
As for The Amaths tuition, it's still the usual one,but working on the integration for the trigo was rather tedious though.Have to do more Practices!Off to FE tmr,YawnsS~=Oo..Still have to wake up early in the morning for the councillor meeting, no more sleep-in till 8am ever again.Have to facilitate..Aww,though we've no idea what we're there for,as in, we're seniors and are suppose to like jus guide them along.Anw, shall jus post some Pictures and off i shall zoom off to BED:DD
~Gotta end here..signing off..11.18pm(:
P.S Had a really great day though..friends are always the ones who brightens your day,and yeahs.Farrell and danny was making the jokes the way they are yeah,but some of them are ..*speechless*Thanks for the laughters people!:DD
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