Awww..Woke up early in the morning today and thanks to jayne for the morning call(:
Went for the 2.4km training jog with Farrell and Jayne,gosh,running with this two real good runners do help yeah.hah!But in the end, we ran like 3km..LOL!Ended up with all the achings now,haha,that shows how bad i'm in such a sport.Not my cup of tea:p
Went on for breakfast and was having some 'kopitiam' talks,sound rather weird yeah,but was having a good chat anyways(:A good breakfast to start off the day,but the run was like wasted luhh,fancy eating right after exercising..LOL!
And yiwen in fact saw us running as her dad drove by the High way..PRO-ness!
~Went home,wash up,got changed and quickly met up with yiwen and yiyue, making our way to JE library for the usual study group,Was rather late yeah,reached there at 11pm+.Completed most of my homework and was just simply doing some revisions on maths,gosh,the running in the morning was making me damn tired and yeahs,was in fact jus staring at the numbers.Helped some peeps with their homework and slack around.LOL!:pWas laughing like hell when we went for the break at the galilee cafe~Can't stop laughing luhh!Here's some snapPieSS!!:DD
The Serious side~~
Trying to find a good book~;)
Chocolate Truffle for Dessert.LOL~We're jus craving for the sweetness within,hah!:p
Sharing around some JokES!!Thy just came NATURALLY~LMAO!
Yiyue thinking hard to solve the question..
And THIS GUY who was suppose to work on his homework is enjoying his time chatting away..Good one Hanlin~Bully yiyue*aiyo..*
SlaCkingSss..having the different expressions..
the Scribblings..
Camouflaged...Haha!Cool yeah;P
ReFlections,while waiting for the guys who went for the gents:x
BeStie Forever!Haha!We've nothing better to do while the rest are playing~
Acting cool eh..LOL!
PEACE!That was when kris,weixuan and yingying left.IT'll be best if they're around too!(:
EeeKs..HAAH!*no comment:p*
The ParaPara clown!LOL!Laughed till we drop mann~
~Bus-ed off to JP for Dinner soon after our muggings,shopp-ed and walked around before we settled ourselves at the foodcourt for dinner.Jus ate some dessert.LOLs,it's always like our headache when it comes to mealtime,can't decide where to eat.haha!So ended up at somewhere where we can have more choices!YEah.Went to 'destress' after that,it's been rather long since we went for the DDR and Basketball at the arcade.haha!We're like some nerds going into the arcade with our big bulky school bags luhh,it's just weird.hah!Alrights,so here i am blogging:p
Damn tired now with all the achings..Urghs,having another session next week.BE PREPARED!LOL!Alrights,ending off with some random shots taken(:
P.S Have to start on revision tmr,haish,still dun really understood the concept for chem yeah!NEED HELP DESPERATELY~~Alrights,thanks for the great day today yeah,it's been like kindda long since we have such GOOD Laughs!LOL!
Signing off..
Tmr'll be another fruitful dayy..Hah!HOpe so(:I WANNA SKYPE!HAH!
Tmr'll be another fruitful dayy..Hah!HOpe so(:I WANNA SKYPE!HAH!
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