I'm like damnn moodless now,not just because of the disappointment from the Fe papers today but with some other happenings within this dreadful day of mine.Maybe,I'm just being paranoid or something,but yeahs, at some points of time in your life,it just so happens that your thoughts tend to run wild,thinking off track and maybe too much.
Read on some newspaper article on straits time today.Something on 'Jus relax and Take it easy'..life's something like a ride on a roller coaster perhaps.Time just seems to slip away,rudely reminding us that we are losing control of it.We maybe struggling to do things that they believe need to be done but somtimes, the tasks that are to be done seem endless and time is inadequate.Life may also be about living it to the fullest and enjoy it happily out of the every second within the short span of 24 hours.
Yeahs,take these two days for example.Was struggling hard,fighting against the second hand as i tried my very best to revise for the FE MYE today.But things are just not getting into my brain and what i've been doing seem to be in a waste.When we stepped into the examination hall today, the minute i flipped the exam papers open,they look so unfamiliar to me but i'm sure i've come across them before.Completed the questions in within 30 mins and that applies to the questions that i know.Gosh,was kind of crapping on after that.At least i didn't leave any blanks:DSeeing the St andrew and Tanglin's peeps' leaving the hall one after another,looking so confident on their faces made me panick more.Okays,i'm seriously not in the mood to type on,have to go and get some rest before i start the brand new day once again:DD
P.S Hope the study group'll be on for Fri yeahh,I need time to REVISE,a proper one.(Upcoming papers:SS and Chem.)
~signing off..CiaOSs People,I'm sure tmr'll be a better day!Having a nice chat with the peeps on messenger.HAH!And Kris and I were SUPER SOTONG cann.not gonna rant more.haha!:P
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