Was in a GOOD mood today yeah!Haha,though i'm damn tired physically.LOL!Sounds weird.Alrights,i guess it's better to start from the happenings during the past few days:D Felt awfully satisfid with myself for i'm completing my FE coursework soon(:!At least I'm done with the breadboarding:DLeft with only the casing and reading of the sinewaves and all.GREATT!But hope things'll go well for the session this week:DDThe Prelim for FE's round the corner and i'm still in the blur state,not knowing the respective theorem to apply!Gosh,have to mug real hard!with UNDERSTANDING!Engineering's not where my strength is i guess.
~As for thursday, stayed back a while for homec meeting and then for the speech day rehearsal again.It's another long day mann.haha!went on to JP to meet up with yiwen to get some art materials to do something;PNothing much to blog about the day in fact,haha.sall let the pictures continue with the 'speaking':DD
The Drills.haha!(:
~While on the next day,which's GOOD FRIDAY!haha,Was a SUPER LONG but FUN day!(:Woke up early in the morning and realise it was drizzling..thank god the drizzle didn't last long:DMet up with yiwen,jianhong,jayne and Farrell,left our stuff at farrell's house and started off the RUN~Gosh,the distance's long mann~Ran from JJC all the way till Science centre,in fact,i slowed down when we reach snow city:pHave to train more before the NAFA eh.Went on for breakfast and bus-ed home:DDTook a quick bath and walked to Jayne's house to work on some stuff:DTo know more?You'll know when the time's ripe:DD
Jian Hong doesn't look as if he's ran mann!
Yiwen and Jayne..haha!Perspired like~~~
This is FATTENING~haha!But a good breakfast starts off the day!
Jayne pasting the colour papers:D
Cutting the plactic board.It's tedious mann.hah!
Yiwen cutting the colour paperS:D
Easter Eggs for Easter DAY!
Soda Strawberry.
Pi dan Shou rou zhou!~I feel like as if i'm sick luh.hah!as in,i'll normally eat that only when i'm sick.
Joan taking some snaps on the food she's eating.
Hanlin's looking blur:x
waiting for akira in the stadium..
Breakfast...it's been like don't know how long since i last ate this.
Came home to collect some stuff and rush-ed off to AMK Hub to meet up with hanlin and peeps.Walked around and 'explored' the mall.hah!My first time there yeah,so was kindda blur with the route.Standley,huihui and Joan joined us later.Dinnered at some hongkong restaurant(sort of fastfood de) and Joan suggest to go for the easter service at Expo so in the end,we train-ed all the way down with stan too.Some people are like fooling around on the train luhh.Hopeless.We're the NORMAL ones:p
The Easter Drama's nice and so are the songs:DDMiss the Peeps in their cell group.haha!Train-ed home and reached like 11pm+Arghs...alrights,shall end off soon yeah,gotta work on some other stuff soon(:PiCciesS!
~Pulled myself out of bed at 6am+ today AGAIN~Has been like waking damn early despite having all the holidays and weekends luhh.*Tired*But i've to TRAIN mann.haha!Jayne was 'screaming' early in the morning for some reason(Secret between us:p)Waited for Akira and started the run soon after that.Gosh,Akira and Jayne's damn PRO at running cann.SICK~Was trying hard to catch up with them.Ran from the bukit timah stadium to TOWN!Didn't even know that there's a route to town luhh.then continue running past the botanic garden and back to the stadium.Worst still,akira and jayne can still continue running two rounds more in the stadium luh.*faints*I'm jus not FIT alright.haha!
After that,we walk-ed all the way to mac for breakfast somemore.Gained back what we've lost after the run mann.Ate hotcakes(BREAKFAST's IMPORTANT!) and chat along while we eat.hah!enjoyed the chat,though we're sort of crapping at times.haha!Chat about all sorts of life happenings marhs.yeah,walked to the bus stop then and continue the chat.Simply enjoyed the morning!LOL!A good start for the day perhaps.But Once i reached home,bathed,i drop-ed dead on my bed and woke up at 4pm.PIG!Zzz..
By the time i was about to leave my house to get dinner,it rained cats and dogs!MAD one somemore!haha!So ended up calling for delivery:)Alrights,so that's about all.Skyping with yiwen and Akira now.haha!
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