>>Then..the big day arriveS!Friday!HkSs Open House+ FareWell Party!wOke up early in the morning;overslept:xWasted money on the cab fares can?!Despite of rushing to school, we realise that everyone's still slacking as we wait for the teachers' instruction..anyway,instead of doing the ushering, Mr wee called 4 of us to help out for the FE booth,was having fun though:D Helped Thendral with the blowing of 200 balloons,of cos!With many other peeps like Yiwen, Yiyue, Jayne, Hanlin, Azli, Hidayatul, Atiqah, Syaff and Amani(:Had fun passing the bags of balloons up onto the gallery:DDLOLs!Rushed home after my booth duty..Met up with yiyue, shufei, jayne and peeps after that~Everybody's looking super glamourous and Pretty:D..While for the boys,Cool in their black and White Attire:Dhah!Frankly speaking, i think the party's not a complete success as the seniors do not seem to catch the surprise!Haha!Anw, i think we all'd fun!Hanlin, syaff and Amani were SUPER High yeh!And Thendral's indeed did a great job together with other councillors!ChEerS!!~
Saw our project work that we did during our sec 2 days..
The MV by Mr Tan and Faiz..cool-NESS!
Azli doing some IT work..
Some of them busy blowing the balloons..Xin ku le!
Atiqah caught me in her phone!xD
Puffing away..LOL!
The Black and White Balloons..;P
Yiwen's blowing REAL HARD!~
Atiqah looks really CUTE!~
It's as if we're SUPER MAN-WOMAN!~
Trying to get the bags of balloons up onto the gallery~
AMANI!Be careful!LOLs!
Poor jane,kena attack by hanlin again..hah!
Dun act Rashly!hah!
The backstage drummer:D
The Final Preparation~~
The Babes:DThendy, Clara, HAzirah and Rasyiqah!;D
Prettaire Nisa and Hazirah!
Gorgeous Jayne and Hazirah again:D
Cutie Shufei and Huzzy!xD
Cool Cool ClarA's Turn!!She Look Pretty and Handsome alrightS!
TeeYong and Hazirah!
Hanlin like having his concert seh..hah!
Jeremy's the first to arrive!Haha!Sorry to keep u waiting;X
The Mystery gifts specially for them:D
Happy FareWell Party o8'!!
SMILE For the Cam!Haha..Waiting for the Deliveryman to arrive..
Azli clearing the mess..
The Different cheecky expressions..;P
Dancing Floor...
Teeyong among the bags of balloons..
The Babes and the hunks yeah:D
(Hanlin, Teeyong, Rasyiqah, Syaff, Amani, Shufei^^)
SMILE!Love this picture lots!~Pouring the drinks into the dispenser..
The Black Chicken!
Teeyong's craving for a tube dress..
*Obscenity*They're jus fooling around..
Welcome to Farewell party 2008!They seem nort to know what's exactly going on when they step into the hall..hah!But hope they'd enjoy the night^^
Sharing their thoughts...Some of their words're really touching..~Sweet~~
The memories they shared..
Syaff and Amanii enjoying their food^^
Lighting up the muffins:D
Let's Dance!!!~
Zulkhairi and Yiyue..The shy ones..hah!
Jeremy and Nisa!The Cheecky couple Pair!
They're jus so IN LOVE with Mrs Peh's SON~
Jayne and Ali..the Teasy pair..hah!
They're jus too loving:D
Playing around then..hah!
Jayne and Chee Sing..
Jayne and ZulKhairi~
Poor Zulkhairi..haha..creamy hur?
Clearing up the hall..That's when the party comes to an end..GREAT JOB GUYS!
(Hanlin, Teeyong, Rasyiqah, Syaff, Amani, Shufei^^)
~As for Saturday, woke up early in the morning and bus-ed off to school for the openhouse again!Has a tiring day yeaps...cos there's much more visitors' compared to yesterday's open house..which is a good sign^^*Laughs*Went off to SP for their D'media events after the open house!Had lotsa' fun too..nort onli in ngee ann but also during the shopping moments in Bugis!Yeah..laugh like hell on our way back..cos' of our stupid jokes..LOL!haish.my fingers're aching now..shall jus post some pics then..sorry..has been kindda lazy to type..haha!;X
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