Another LONG~~~~post Once again..trying to update my blog every week yeaps,haish,another busy week coming up..ICONs CamP!WEeS!Glad to know that I'm one of the facilitatorS:DWill be in the blue tribe with Rasyidi:DHope we'll be a great team yeah!Went to Kris house for SteAmBoat Gathering with DJs,but without standley...sobs:(We're all missing him hur~Come back soon kays!Had lotsa' Fun during the Steamboat and also played Hotel 626 on Kim's Lappy:DGosh,It's Freaking Scary luhs!And I was scared the hell out and cried:(Kena sHock-eD!Hanlin luhs!Never give warning dE;PBut it's kindda exciting~hah!Left off at around 9pm+..and saw this whole lot of people crowding around the Big Drainage area..guess what,they're astonish over a small snake!LOLs!Singaporean hur!Anw,we went to take a look too..Hah!Took some shots as usual:D
>>While on Tuesday, we went for the photography lesson by Mr cheng early in the morning at Comlab 1 and was taught the different techniques in taking a good photo..he also showed some nice shots by him and other awesome photographers:DHaha,doubt i'd be able to take those shots;PWas then given the same themes as the cannon photo marathon and was suppose to take pictures and submit them by 12pm..haha,as we're having dance lesson at 12pm, yiwen and me made a leave earlier and gort ourselves changed for the lesson:DIt's a super tiring day yeah..having to dance from 12pm to 5pm..gosh~And some of the steps're kindda complicating..the worse thing the mid of practicing, Ms Grace came and announced a really bad news..'The Performance on 5th Dec's Cancelled as the Company's faced with the Economy Crisis and Some problems on their Cash Flow~'All our morale dropped to the bottom of the bottom man~while some other peeps heave a great sigh of relief as it meant that they can go for an early vacation and would nort have to worry so much about the performance..but i guess it make no difference yeahs..and it's nort for the sponsers that we're going out for..after having been practicing for so long and putting so much effort into this,i think we should carry on with the burning passion we have for dancing..whether we'll be performing or nort shall nort be the issue and Wan'd also told us that there might be last minute changes,thus,we'd to continue with the choreographying in case there's some sudden performance called upon..Had a good talk with Wan as a group and he's really motivating yeaps..praying real hard to hear the good news from wan!:D
>>As for Yesterday, woke up early in the morning and went for Homec. Meeting with Mrs Pada..Yawns, it's as if we're nort having our holiday yeah..having to go back to school almost everyday...waking up as usual..after the meeting and coming out with the finalised recipe, we went on for the First Aid Training with the sports leader and learnt the ways of doing the Arm Cling..haha!Fun and Interesting yeah:DWas having lotsa' fun with the peeps:D(Team Mate:Clara, yiwen and Yiyue^^)When i was doing the head bandaging, all of them were laughing like hell!LOL!Damn PS~hah!Went on to IMM to get out shopping lists cleared and get the neccessary ingredients for today's Pizza making Practice session..Bus-ed off to Stalford to get our tuition fees paid and rush-ed back from to wash up~hah!Was rushing here and there..TIME IS PRECIOUS!Bathed and bus-ed to JP to get Bloom' present before meeting up with Teeyong and Yingying..hope Bloom'll like the bag yeaps:DHappy BirThday GAL!And hope u'd gtten the surprise when we bring the cake out!haha!Had another round of Hotel 626 once again but with all the lights off!Damn fREAKY!When everyone'd arrived, we started preparing the bbq stuff..LOLs!Some of them started putting eye-liner, worst still..hanlin's eyeliner couldnt be he left it as it is..look like as if he's nort been sleeping for days.hah!It was drizzling then but teeyong suggested to jus bring the food down to the bbq pit first..urghs!Was trying to start the fire under the rain luhs!so some of us held the umbrellas and after numorous attempts, they did manage to start the fire and cooked some food..hah!Ended up then at bloom's house getting all the rest of the food fried and the end, Bloom decided to jus call for KFC and we're playing a fool with the make up kit..sorry bloom..i think we're kindda crazy then..Gerald and Zac do look kawaii in the pink blusher..hah!We're all laughing like hell can!Had lotsa' fun but they look wrong..LOL!Left off at around 11pm after biding a sweet gdbye to the birthday girl:D
Despite of so many hiccups and all, all of us were enjoying ourselves lots!Hah!One of the most memorable birthday party hur!Bbq-ing in the rain was cool too!LOL!Anw, hope Bloom'd enjoyed this special day of hers too:D
>>Pizza Making Practice Session today..tried three attempts on the baking and it wasnt that successful yeaps,but the mutton was fingers're getting tired now,so shall jus blog the pictures and allot them to do the talking..haha!
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