14 Tram tickets bought..
>>Tram-ed Then to Siloso beach station and took a short walk down to Palawan beach^^started off with a game of Captains' ball and our mood went to the peak, minutes later, when everybody got tired, we settled down and yiwen introduced a game that made use of poker.LOL!We're shouting and cheering like as if we're gambling can!Haha'Diamonds!DiamondS!Diamonds!'..LOLs!Then the last card to reach the finishing line'd have to do the forfeit!You'll know more about it as you read on yeah;P Shufei , Jayne and Fatin doing their forfeit on the bridge..
Shouting and Cheering after 'Clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds!!~'..
Starting another round...
Yonghao, Yiyue, Jayne and Shufei doing their forfeit in the Sea..hah!
Crab Walking hur?
..After that, some people gort sort of bored while some of the girls went for some sun-tanning..haish,the minutes went on like hours yeah, cos we were practically slacking..luckily that didn't went too long either^^After that, everyone got up on their feets again and we played another round of captain's ball!Though it sounds like an ordinary game, it can be really fun and crazy too!;PHad a few rounds of volleyball and many other games too^^ Enjoying the Music Therapy?LOL!
Kris Applying sun block..SMILE(:
A Game Of Volley BAll!!~
~Yingying then join us in the noon while we're going to do our forfeit!She Saved us man!haha..
And before Junjie And Teeyong Arrived with the birthday cake, we tried to distract shufei by playing all sorts of games and had the game of blindmice before they light up the cake(:And obviously, all of us gang-ED up and make shufei the blindmicE!She was like some typical blindmice and jus walk as the peeps called after her~we then slowly lead her to where the cake was and unfolded the towel..The Birthday Song then started...hope she'd gort the surprise yep:D Playing Blindmice...
With Shufei as the BlindMice!!;P
Happy Birthday girl!!:DDD
Trying to light the Candles..
Walking REALLY Slowly...
Make a wish Girl..
Cutting the cake!~
YuMmiEs!DIp In!!Thanks To Teeyong And Junjie yeaps:D
Bloom Leading the rest of her group members to do the forfeit(:
Another one...
Poor Yiyue..haha!But they looks hilarious!!Having fun yeah:D
Yingying as the qian shou guan yin..
Havin fun with all the poses~
Hanlin's artwork~LOLs!
Having Lotsa' Fun Burying Teeyong~!~*Laughs*
Jayne's Turn, but she's a REAL Mermaid hur!
JumPiES!!BEst Friends Forever!!~:DDD
Yiwen Sitting on the comfortable 'classy seat'..Hah!
Group Photo!Love All Of Them^^WooHoo!!~
Enjoying the SunSet...
Smile For The Shot Yeaps:DWhat A Nice Weather hur!
Footsteps left behind..
Enjoying the Dip in the Sea~
A Great place for a Great dAY~
>>After enjoying some more fun , laughter, watching the sun set and washing up, we then tram-ED back to vivo for our dinner~Jayne and Huihui had to make their leave earlier while we proceeded on to the foodcourt:D
BonVoyage to Huihui yeps, hope she'll have fun in Hongkong!Haha!
Kays, I think i'm getting more and more long winded..LOLs!Shall jus bring u guys on to the wonderful memories left behind by the shots(:
Thanks lots for the wonderful day and sorry for all the naggies and all cos i'm trying to get everybody up for some activities:XThe Big Big Christmas Tree @ Vivo~
A Sumptuous meal to end the day...
Yeah, so i shall end off my post here yeaps:Dhope everyone'd also enjoyed the day yups(:Nighties!!Once again, HAPPY 15th BirThday to ShufEi in ADvance^^
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