Was forced to do this quiz by YiXiang..haish,am kindda bored now too..so shall give it a try^^
This is how it goes:*Have no idea who's the her/him referring to so shall use the most current tagger on my tagbox:D
1.) What is the relationship of you and her/him?
2.) Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
-Sweet,Shy at times,Super Random on mood factor,Choco FREAK, K-Fan!
3.) The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
-Erms..waiting for me at the airport for nearly 5 hours!?*Touched*
4.) The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
-Said uhs..Everything said are memorable..hah!
5.) If she/he become your lover, you will..
- Oh pleasE!I'm nort a LES~hah!But i love her true enough as a GIRLFieS!
6.) If she/he become your enemy, you will...
- Can't imagine about that..'if'..then it will be horrible;x
7.) If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..
- 'If' again?..ehs..her Freakings of Chocs?and her random decisions..hah!
8.) If she/he become your enemy, the reason is...
- No idea;P
9.) The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
- Scare the hell out of her!hah!Bad uhs~in fact,i've no idea..LOL!
10.) The overall impression of her/him is..
- A best Friend..hah!
11.) How do you think the people around you feel about you?
- Erms,a LMAO and random person?No idea how ppl feel about me,so do tag and share your impression of ME!Hah!
12.) The character of you for yourself is?
- Erms,Cheerful,Happy-Go-LUCKY, hide my sadness and brightens people's day even though i can't brighten my own?
13.) What do you hate about yourself?
- Being irritating and speak of my mind sometimes and acting even before i think!~*My BlurNEss!!*
14.) The most ideal person you want to be is?
- To Be Cosiderate, Brightens the day of people around me, being able to bring up topics and joke with common sensE!Manage my time better, control my mood, Being able to influence ppl in a right way^^Settle down and study at the right time!Hmms,i think there's TRUCK LOTSA' areas where i have to change in order to be the most ideal person,like what people says,nobody's perfecT!I Wana be the NOBODY!Haha!
15.) For the people who care about you and like you, say something to them..
-Thanks for all the care and concern given when i need them, thanks for lending me the listening ear and always be there for me to hear my complains..Thanks for tolerating my attitude and irritating acts..that's for the people who care about me..haha,and for the people who like me,*Kays,sounds wrong.hah!*I LIKE YOU TOO^^
People to tag:
1. Yiwen
3. YingYing
5. Hanlin
6. Kristabel
7. Jayne
8. Huihui
9. Yonghao
Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
- Hmms..nort sure..hah!Keeping secrets hur?
No. 3 a male or a female?
-Ehs, Male and a Female..Complications;P
No. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
- Hmms..DOUBT SO~
How about no. 5 and 8?
- Hahas..Might be..LOL!
What is no. 1 studying about?
- Practically about everything;P
Is no. 4 single?
-Think so..but he has a daughter..LOL!
Say something about no. 6
-A Sweet girl who can be really cool and Commanding..hah!
Hmms,so here's the Quiz,people whom i've TAGGED~Try It Out Too:D
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