As for Wednesday, Mdm Tay nearly went bonkerSss!And Frankly speaking, i think 3A's indeed at fault for making her so angry yeah,sorry mdm tay~:(We didn't mean to not hand in the data logger on time...but some of us didn't have an idea how we should write and comment on the graph..we're nort experience enough yeah..we've learnt from our mistake...sorry~And hope she'll take care on her health too:DAfter Chem Prac. lesson, we rushed home, had a quick wash up and bus-ed back to school before going to NP for our FE lesson,learnt about the 7 segment common anode LED and had fun with all the different resistors and their results on the LED~hah!Went on to The RAIL mall as kris wanted to get some strudel,bus-ED home after that~yeaps:D
While for Thursday, we'd a enjoyable day at River Valley for a Learning symposium!Met Davy and many BLGPS juniors coincidentally:DThe best time was during the time spent in the ELDS room~haha, acting and playing around with strips of line was hilarious!Can't imagine if our school'd have a CCA like this..LOL!Beside going into the different classes for interactive talks, we also went into their hall for some station games:DCool hur,though some of the games might be simple and ordinary,but we'd indeed enjoy the laughters within:DLeft for Vivo at around noon as some of them wanted to make a leave earlier for a proper meal, so then, we ended up shopping at vivo:DKris then suggest to receive Huihui's flight which was arriving at around 6.20pm, who knows, at around 5pm+, richard msg-ed and inform us about them touching down to the Airport!Gosh!Worst still, when we're trying to rush and get to the airport in time, the AVA system at Tanah Marah station sounded..'..the train in the middle platform is nort for passenger service..'We nearly went bonkers luh!Haish,felt so shi bai, cos instead of us waiting for huihui, she ended up waiting for us at T2, sorry yeah, so damn paiseh at that moment..Cathay CON us!Their website wrote clearly that the flight will be landing at 6.10pm, but instead, they landed much more earlieR!!Anw, Welcome Huihui , Richard, Kelvin, Serene and the rest of the ppl who went to Hongkong back!(:
After having our dinner with huihui, we then went on to JP to get Shufei's present, kays, and i gtta say, really sorry to all the peeps yeaps:D Do pardon us for giving your gifts late, but it's better to be late than never^^hah!Anw, HAPPY BirThday To All The Nov Babies:D
Yeaps:DSo shall end off my post here...really long post hur, has been really busy these days and didnt have much time for blogging..hah!Enjoy the holidays ppl!(:
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