That's all for today!Thanks for the great day peeps!(:
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy One month old to Ruo Tong!~xD
Happy 1 month old to Ruo Tong!!Coussie Zhongyi's daughter!Hah!I've another cutie niece!!Yups..but the most shocking thing that i've seen today was when i stepped into coussie zhongyi's house..*FaintS*i nearly fainted can?!Guess what i've seen?Babies crawling on the floor..some being carried in their parents' arms..worst still..their mummy're almost all pregnant women!It's nort jus a FEW babies yeah..It's over 10!And with their older toddler siblings..i think the whole apartment practically look like some childcare centre!*LaughS!*But some of them are really cute luhs!Hah!Had lotsa' fun playing with the kiddies!LOL!Esp Jeron!Super active can..hah.kept walking here and there..okays..shall show you the pictures and of cos the cutie pie!Ruo tong..but she's still small and cuddly yeah^^
Jeron's curiosity over the 'toaster'..
Feeding time for the KiDdieS!!~
With some other people along the corridoor..hah!
Baby Ruo Tong!:)~Shui mei ren:D
the View from the 29th storey..envy him jus three streets away from BUGIS STREET!Hah!
Trying to press the button..
Nephew Kang Jian and Jeron(:
Look how happy he is when he is finally reaching the top..hah!Innocence~
Went to Hanlin's house after that for a Steamboat feast.gosh..was super full then..but had lotsa' fun too yeah!ZUKI'd grown slimmer without his furry coat..hah!Stay cheerful okays..LOL!always emo de>.<
A Healthy steamboat indeed uh?
Trying to browse thru' some videos for their choreographying:D
PiZza Making;DanCie!xD
~*SwEaTss*Jus came back from IMM yeahs..had a REAL Training and some choreographying for our dance..hmms..was kindda done i suppose..jus nid some more modification here and to really watch more VIDEOS!Hah!Get inspired man!LOL!Alrights..but thanks to hanlin for the edition for the music yeahs..REAL COOL-NESS~hah!As for yesterday, after our dance meeting, proceeded on to Jayne's house to practice our pizza making recipe!Need more improvement on it too:DYeahs..nothing's perfect hur..只要肯努力。。没有什么事能难道我们的!Continue the spirit yeah!Gonna get some rest i shall just end off this post with some piCtureS!!xD
The Toppings for the PiZza:D*Getting hungry hur?*
Mixing the ingredients..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Arghs!Make us waste our trip all the way downtown!woke up early in the morning, train-ed down to somerset, and the receptionist at the dental clinic say they confused our dental appt and Dr Ong's schdule's fully packeD!So kris and me have to train back to school..wasted my time, money and trip for NOTHING!Hargh!Forgt it.So back to school for dance, kindda slacky, cos wan couldn't make it for the lesson and we jus sort of practice our dance steps and taught some of the peeps' We're together de dance:DWas having fun yeah..but didn't really do much training..gtta get ready if we're getting serious about the dance compeitition~
Joan with her teddy:D
Kris's really tired..sweetdreams..with all our bags as her blanket..
~As for today...woke up early again and train-ed down for dental appt..changed my band to green and Red..Christmas uhs?LOL!But it's kindda common..then, gort to know that the dance practice'd been came back home for lunch:DLove the soup specially prepared by mummy:D!!Went on to Shufei's house at 4pm+ and did some research on the dance..was fooling around in fact..anw, was really tired today..hasn't been getting enough sleep these days..haish..I DUN WANT TO BECOME A PANDA xD
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy 15th Birthday To Joan!!xD
♥Wishing Joan a Really Happy 15th Birthday!!And our blur joan's MATURED!!Haha!Growing a year older hur!Haha!Anw, hope she'd a great day today and may all her sweet dreams come true^^Had a great time in the TenDollar KTV today yeaps:DAnd hope she'd gotten the surprise that we'd planned specially for her!Haha!Hanlin even stayed specially for this big day yeah;PAnd yeaps..WELCOME BACK KRIS!!Went to the airport on Sunday afternoon..phew, luckily history didn't manage to repeat itself..hah!So after waiting for some time outside the arriving hall, kristabel's back!With one whole lot of NPCC Cadets, biding their sweet gdbyes to each other before they make their leave..the scene's touching yeah..seeing them hugging and witnessing the true friendships that'd built within a few days:DYeps..and looks like she'd a lot of interesting incidents during her trip to hongkong!Hah!Waiting for her post:xAlrights,shall jus add on some pictures before i continue:D
The Welcome card we made for her:D
They've ARRIVED!!~
>>Back to the topic of Joan's GRAND Celebration!Haha!Woke up early in the morning and met up with Yiwen, yiyue, shufei and huihui~Train-ed off to Vivo and tried looking out for Joan's birthday present, especially Mr bean's teddy bear which has been leading on her wish list:DSearched up and down for it yeahs..and our effort did paid off!After turning vivo city upside down, making our search to no avail, we continued our search at Harbour front centre..finally~~WE FOUND IT!!The Last one somemore..She's jus TOO LUCKY~~haha!And may this luck follow her as she goes:DAfter Lunch,we went on to Chinatown to meet up with Kristabel, Yonghao, Gerald and Jason..while Bloom, Hanlin and some other peeps joined us later..Everybody gort ready and lit up the cake when Joan took her steps up the stairs..TADA!!~The Birthday song starts and Hanlin gave her a surprise, cos he'd initially left for Genting but there's some sudden hiccups and he stayed(:Sang for hours and was having all sorts of fun!LOL!The KTV's kindda unique in certain ways as in the environment and all yeahs..a good place for some friends gatherings:DEnd off at around 7pm and train-ed back to JP for dinner..A Fulfilling and enjoyable day indeed, but nothing's perfect yups, Hope shufei's alright after chilling down and thing's going fine:DNo worries, we'll always be there for you derhs..dun keep things to yourself yeaps:DPull the ends of your lips,and push them up..SMILE!!(:It's your Bestie's BIG DAY Afterall!;PPiCcie Time Again!!Enjoy!~
Kris's DOMOKUn's craving for some chocolateS!
Hanlin preparing for the BIG SURPRISE!!
Make your Three wishes girl..and we shall grant them one by one~xD
Cut the cake!
Serving the drinks~~FREE FLOW!
Let's welcome the BIrthday Girl to SING HER HEARTS OUT!!LOL!
The Couple's TURN!
She has a Sweet vocal man!
The Teddy!!Hope she'll like it!!:D
He's desperate for the mic hur?*Winks*
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