The fruit Cake we bought for Our Dearest Stan!!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sec 3 CaMp RawkSs!KiM And LaRrY RawKs Too!XD
~WwEesS!Finally Back From My Sec 3 cAmp!!Though It's Kinnda Sad To leave All the Fun and Laughter, But within this pretty short two days' time!We've indeed had Great Fun!And The Credits, nort only goes to the commitee and Camp instructors who'd planned such a wonderful camp for all the sec 3s, Without 3A, This Camp wont be Complete Either,that goes without saying for the Awesome Job done by Kimberley As Our Camp Instructor!!!Love Her lots!Hahas,Has been Really High and hyper during the camp..Sobs,ended up with a sore throat now:XAfter all The ScReamings and CheErings From the VERY beginning Of our Sec 3 Camp.But FirSt Of All, A Really Happy 16th SweEt Birthday To StandLey and Hope he'd likeThe Surprise That we Gave him early in the morning!May all your wishes come true yeah:D..So After reaching the Campsite, We started all sorts of activities and we can be considered really lucky to Start off with Abseiling and Zig lining,Aka. Flying Fox..It's so Damn FUN!But the cheeky Uncle Timothy was so bad!So i stayed on the tower to be the 'BimBoic Rope Thrower'...LOLS,and i have no idea how he gort the name!HAHA!ANyw,Really had great Fun During the camP Yeahs, And the memories will be deeply ETCHED in my mind..For even life!LOLs,and some of the peeps are so bad yeahs,spreading rumors was kindda 'speechless?' as the same thing goes again..haha!bleahs,But the first day was nort as fun as the second one, Where we have the Chance to go for Kayaking out in the sea and some even CapsizEd!!Poorthing~..worst of All, The most 'Memorable' experience that i'll never forgt will be the Nature Rumble..It's Totally, GROSS AND FUN!!HAhas,Enjoyed the Mud Fight but didnt Enjoyed the route..YucCks!Haha!As for the Campfire, I think Everyone'd Did a FAbulous Job and deserve a hugE Round Of AppLaUseSs!!!*ClaPsssS*..Love all The Dance and Hope Our class will get to get hold on the most outstanding TEAM!HAha..Love 3A To the Core Man!ThEy Jus SimPly RawksSsS!!~~And I think KimBerLey and Larry Aka. Monkey'd Also Enjoyed themselves with this 'High' lot Of PeePs YEah;P..How I wish all these Happy Moments wil never end,but Things just has to go on...No choice,But Seriously, This will be one of my UNFORGETTABLE CAMPS..Cant bear to Break my Camp earlier jus now yeahs, when we're about to part with all the AWESOME Team Leaders,Some of them Gave their Biggest Hug and some even Had tears trickling down their Cheeks,What a touching scene,SO SWEET(:~~~KAes, without further ado, i think i'll jus blog some pics that i took with my Hp(*That means the Quality of the pics should be LOW~).Enjoy and Hope The rest of the Peeps will enjoy their last day at the Camp tmr Too!!!^^
The fruit Cake we bought for Our Dearest Stan!!!
Her Nu Er Singing Birthday Song as the Cake Was Brought to him~
A Piece Of ChocS for YOU!!!:DSo sweet Of yingying yeah;P
The Canteen Rules..
The Hut Beside Ours,...where verybody has left..
And ours!Having a meeting as a class!UNITY BRINGS US TOGETHER(:!!
The High Element Area..
3B doing their DUty..
Why Are we waiting??...Hungry yeah..haha,but we had to sing our school song first.LOL~
Our DInner^^
The Lovies~~Sweet yeah:D
The Sexy Dance Forfeit Brought to Us specially by the Camp Instructors!
Poor CrIspy wAs Thought as the IMH Patient again...This time round, tight to thE wall~
Holding Him Tightly..
GreeDy Teeyong yeah,Take so many Jelly..haha!
Our President ThendY!!!Leading the School song before our meal!
The Two Cute Monkey And Froggie..Larry so CUTE!;P
Forcing Larry aka.Monkey to pull his shorts higher!PULL!~
Mrs Tan's Here To Start The Camp Fire!!!*ClaPssSs*
Our Cutie Camp Instructor..Larry and Kimberley!!LOVE THEM TO THE CORE MAN!XD~YeS-Ah!!!
The UniTy Behind The Light Sticks..
3A's Bus Go Up and Down...Lalalala~
See how High Can or class get!?!LOVE THEM!:DDD
3C's performance!!WoOts!
3N2's Performance!*aPplAusEss*
3N1's Ghost Story, Good Dance, Good Acting Skills !haha!*CHerRsS!*
3B's Turn now!!!Ohhhh~
The InsTrucTors' Turn to Show Us their Skills yeah!!;D
HuggIng And SendIng the Love Within Our Class!!!WEEeSs!:D
On My Way Back to Home Sweet Home..Sobs,Cant bear to leave the camp yeah,And thanks to Kris's Dad for the ride home^^
The fruit Cake we bought for Our Dearest Stan!!!
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