THaNks To AbBy for The Admission TickEt To NDP!XD..Haha!So Met Abby and YingYing At CiTyHall MRT and Went on to the MArina Parade stadium!This Year'sNE show was Kindd Different yeahs, and it applies to the Fun pack too!Another Interesting and Creative Design to Represent our Young nation..hah!The AirShow in the mid of the celebration really boost up our festival mood yeah, though National Day has Yet to come...Love The Heart shape in the mid Sky most..omG~So damn nicE:DBut i tink the one that Kris Saw during the Airshow's much nicer yeaps:DThe performance's also Very Interesting!!Hahas,Yeaps,But the most horrible part of the celebrative mood'd be the HUMAN JAM and the 'Obscenity' on the bus..omg,almost 'fainted'..haha!Yeaps,KAes, shall jus Blog some pictures taken today!Love the fireWorks Too!LOL!PictureS Speaks A ThousaNd words and i think thru' the pictures,u'll Get to know more about the happeningS!!Enjoy!!and An Advance 43rd Birthday to SingApore!!
The NDP 08' Logo for this year:D
It's really hot when we reach there yeah..Gosh~ The Cheer Leading Group..S-I-N-GAPORE!, S-I-N-GAPORE! *PiaK*..The ClaPpErs With Light:D
The Black KnightSs! Singing The national Anthem as the Singapore Flag Flew past.. In their Respective position, forming a word of NDP 08'.. The RED LionSs! LanDing....SING~~~~~~~~~AH!
The BlAck Knights Again!WoOts! All The WAY!!~ MaRch!~Kris!Hahas,too bad, cant spot her..Sobs,! The Simulated President..So..~Haha! The SingApore Flyer right beside us:D
One Of the PerFormace, so cool!! I think here's the Performance by the jap organisation.. Another soothing and spectacular performance..^^ SpReAdS!To nicE!!! The stunS by the Black Knights!So nice!!LoVies:D
The HUMAN JAM~~ SMILEs(: A WondErFul and SWeet Ending.. SAying Our Pledge.. FIREWORKS Once Again!
Yeahs,Thnks to AbiGail yeah, hhaS!Had a great Time watching the NE show!Yeaps, and hope we can go and watch it with all my bestieSs yeah:DDDI Bet we'll have an AWESOME TIME!!Hahaa!!xD
♥Felicia Ng A.J xD♥ 24 Feb:))♥ Student Councillor:D♥ PSL><♥ 1C/2A/3A was my past & 4A is my present^^♥ ♥ to be with PeEps like: Yiwen,Yiyue,Jayne,Shaoyi,Ying Ying,Junjie,Farrell,Teeyong,Weehong, Standley,Hanlin,Kristabel,Huihui,Atiqah,Nisa and loads more..♥ Was in blGps but is in hkSs NOW!♥
-To get a new phone!
-To have more clothes and baggies!
-To pierce my ears!
-Friends forever!!
-Get to have working experience!!
-Achieve good results!(Straight As)
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