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Another Day Of LauGhter!~
WooRays!Love WedNesDays and ThUrSdays!Haha!Had an Awesome Day toDay,Or rather another GossIpy day yet to come yeah,haha!Lessons went on as per normal,but i was kindda tired by the time EM lesson end yeahs,maybe there was too much things and stuff to load,and that my quota has reached its limit;P..hah!Had physics and chinese quiz and tests today, Thanks to Mr Wee yups, so we get to have open book quiz:D..haha!But as for the chinese test, it was kindda tricky and tedious at first, but it became kindda 'lax when i'm doing the 理解问答。Yups,and the choir girls has been really in the sense of their behaviour..omg..they ran down th stairs after their practice and jus practically went..GONE-CASE?!haha!jus joking~but seriously..we all'd really gort a great shock!Laughed~~~~All the way to the bus stop and the hyper-ness among the girls continued..HILARIOUS!;D..Laughed till my Cheeks almost went numb!Gosh~but thanks for all the 'jokes' yeah,hah!Kept teasing ppl larhs,and yeaps,yiwen huh..gort so *blushed*.LOL!..kaes,shant tease her le..if nort she'll do something worse than this,I'm INNOCENT de okays!haha,and yeaps,no worries yeah,i can take the jokes:D..Jus hope that everybody'd fun today!Has been in TOTALLY great mood for the past two days yeah,LOVe FE lessons lotS!Haha!Esp during the break time!and yeahs,Syaff and Nisa, Do take care yeahs,drink LOTSA' WATER!!Hope nisa will recover real soon;DKaes,shall jus blog some random pics taken ytd,WoOTS!Gort my camera back!!FINALLY~Thanks to mummy:D..haha!SMILE!LOVE THE DAYS BEING WITH FRIENDS:D
P.S:Looking forwaRd to the ReCce Trip On this Saturday and The upcoming FLAG DAY!Hoe we'll have GREAT FUN!;P..MULTIPLE-HAPPINESS:DDDDD
Simply love the clear blue sky,dun think i'm EMO kaes,I jus love to look at it:D
What a Nice weather..hah!
That's the emo-ing of jayne,haha!Look so 'FEEL' huh?HAhas,she's jus listening to song luhs!
Finally,we reached our destination:D
LEsson'll be starting REAL SOON!!~
My 'Electroni-cy' Desk..enjoyed the LAB work:D
Atiqah and Stan trying to be funny,love the jokes they shared!
I'm so Ashamed..My life,GONE!WASTED!I CAN't BELIEVE it..cute jacket yeah;P
Urks!Haha..trying to fool around in the ladies during the break time~~
Kaes,shall end my post here,still niida rush off my compo writing and maths hmwk!!Arh!KkKkKk..But i'm jus too happy to be in a mood to mug right choice,had to try my best!Love the Time we spent today!haha!Thanks Guys!Love You LotSsss!!!!WeEeSss!HAPPINESS MAKES MY DAY;DDDDDD
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