Sunday, July 27, 2008
~Argh!!!so many Presentations to Complete!!!Haish,yeaps,so woke up early in the morning and went to Shaoyi's house to finish up our FE presentation and guess what?!We completed it within 2 hours!Hahas,that's fast.and the credits went mostly to Yiyue:D..haha!Only did some editing and came home at around 2pm after that.~Yawns,was kindda tired and was having a slight headache so jus browsed thru' the net to find some nice backgrounds for my presentation and also surf some bloggieSs;P..Saw this cute and interesting video on SiRong's blog and spotted this Eye-catching CarToon:D..the itch came and i decided to draw myself a bookmark!!Also to De-STRESS myself,cos i'd been rushing off all my presentation during this short weekend which cause me to like..kindda short of breathe le..Yups,as for the bookmark,below would be the process that i took to draw..STEP BY STEP yeah xD..wanted to draw for my friends de but realised that there's a lot of things that's still lining up on my end off my drawing ASAP and went on to complete my maths fest. project^^ (**shall draw it for my besties next time yeah:D)
The First draft..looks ordinary yeah.;P
My Colouring Set:DDD
Yups:D..and here's the end product^^Looks kindda weird yeas,maybe i really rushed thru' it too fast this time round..haha!
With the names of my dearly love ones at the back!!Haha!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
OiiShii MomentS!!SmiLIng All Day Long(:
WeEesS!!~Had an OiiShii Time @ SakAE @ NTU today!!Yeahs,and as usual, went for Stalford tuition early in the morning but i OVERSLEPT!..Rushed all the Way to the tuition centre and was late by 7's better to be late than never yeaps:D..haha!Had a relief teacher today,Mr wee..quite a humourous and interesting teacher yep;PLearnt some basic technique of 'TAI' ,the three important expectations for oral exams.And did some practices on grammar and vocab too..haha,met up with huihui at JP after and waited for hanlin..wahs,he really take SOME time to get prepared yeahs..LOL!..Anw,so after that,bus-ED to NTU and started our SUSHI-ing!Was like some Hungry Ppl luhs.but seriously,we're HUNGRY!LOL!..ordered uncountable Dishes and SushiSs even before Standley damn FULL!And yeahs,I met three Dino today!All anti-veg bad,which means i'm the VEGE-BIN!LOL!But so sad luhs,Kris,Jayne, Yingying,Shufei, Bloom and
Joan cant join us for the FEAST!Sobs.;Xanw,we'd really a sumptuous Meal yeah,ate all the way from 3 plus to 6pm!JokeD and was like trying our best to finish up the food.hah!and there was this group of ppl who was laughing SUPER loud and we're like competing luhs,but sad to say,they have around 12 pl and we onli have 4..haha,lose out even on the numbers.And yeahs,like i said,we're BLOATED!so we some sort of 'DRAGGED' ourselves out of the restaurant..haha!Blame us for being so 'tan xin'/greedy yeah..haha!After that, bused back to the interchange and then to Yuhua village to support yingying and some other choir PeePs!Well done yeah!You guys Sang really well:DWatched some other performances and went to the foodcourt nearby for Dinner,of cos,we're nort eating again!~If nort,we'll sure VOMIT xD..yeaps,then,here I am..Blogging again,gtta be back to my FE work soon,so shal jus upload some Pics taken today^^
SMILE(:..Three Of us,still waiting for Stan..
The Zi-Pai started from here..hah!
My ChiWanMushi:D
YummY!;P!And see That,My sushi's Full Of GrEenERies..BAd uh!
Our Plates..nice huh!
The Manager Collecting our plates..
Hanlin's hungry again?LOL..I'm Damn full le:D
See that,picking out veg for the 'bin' again..haiyo!Bad dino!
The Feast!Haha!Had A fun Day today...and Thanks to Hanlin, Stan and Huihui!!Haha!
The FruitS' then complimented..omg.we still have to finish this..Wow.
Playing and fooling around cos' we're TOO FULL!
Our ComPlimentary Mochi Ice-Cream!Hahas,I'm LoVin' It:D
And guess what,it dropped into the sauce,haha!
SaKae RawKs:D..And i think it's Pretty worthy yeah,cos' we paid around $17 and we eat like..WOw.
The Cutie FroGgie Slippers' are cutE!
The Emo-Ic Ppl,Hah!The BLOT-ATION was the cause of it kaes.Cant even walk.haha!
X-ing Again..random shots.
Bichun!BluRr-ED..Taking pics for the Choir members:D
The Choir Members' Performance..Love the Songs!
Joan cant join us for the FEAST!Sobs.;Xanw,we'd really a sumptuous Meal yeah,ate all the way from 3 plus to 6pm!JokeD and was like trying our best to finish up the food.hah!and there was this group of ppl who was laughing SUPER loud and we're like competing luhs,but sad to say,they have around 12 pl and we onli have 4..haha,lose out even on the numbers.And yeahs,like i said,we're BLOATED!so we some sort of 'DRAGGED' ourselves out of the restaurant..haha!Blame us for being so 'tan xin'/greedy yeah..haha!After that, bused back to the interchange and then to Yuhua village to support yingying and some other choir PeePs!Well done yeah!You guys Sang really well:DWatched some other performances and went to the foodcourt nearby for Dinner,of cos,we're nort eating again!~If nort,we'll sure VOMIT xD..yeaps,then,here I am..Blogging again,gtta be back to my FE work soon,so shal jus upload some Pics taken today^^
~Kaes,So that's about all,LAughs!It's Been An Awesome Day for me today!Hahas,Has been Smiling all the way, dont know why, but jus felt the joy within me:DDDA Simple reason behind my Smile..Jus because..I'm HAPPY!LMAO~Yeaps,kk,Really gtta go and rush my hmwk now,So here's the HappeningSs today,another Happiness written In my Memories..and this will definitely last the Days being with my dearly Besties:DDDD
P.S:Hope We'll be going out and have such great fun again!;P..I'm Jus TOO HAPPY TODAY!!ARHS!!!LOL! ;DDDDDDD
P.S:Hope We'll be going out and have such great fun again!;P..I'm Jus TOO HAPPY TODAY!!ARHS!!!LOL! ;DDDDDDD
Friday, July 25, 2008
~YAwns=Oo...Things Has been getting REAL busy these days for me..all the events and classes jus coincidentally clashed into one luhs!Kaes,talking about the happenings,like i said,i've been busy.and so, we've went to Grace orchard for our service learning journey..had FE lessons and CCA..sighs,i'm getting really tired at times,but trying to get things organised yups,gtta be prepared for the song challenge too,days' nearing and things hasnt been done like what we've planned.And yeahs,as for today, stayed back in school till 6pm to get the things done for the maths fest. and again,all the plannings went hay-wire;(So gtta rush off everything during this short weekends yeahs..planned to go Pulau Ubin tomorrow derhs,and again..everything clashed..the choir members will be having performance and some of us have to go for tuition and all.aiyosh,but hope we can make it another time yeahs:DKaes,i think my post sounds a bit rushy yeah and indeed,i'm rushing for time.How i wish i could get more time from some peeps;P
Then,had dinner with hanlin, teeyong and kris:D..LOL!~..the funniest thing happened on the bus,when we boarded the bus, cos' me and kris was holding on to our balloons and some ppl around us was looking at us as if we're monster!LOL~..and when we're twisting and playing with the balloon, some of the kiddies changed their place..LAUGHS!!..we're laughing till our stomach cramp luhs!Are balloons that scary??Hah!KAes,gnna jus upload some random pics yeahs.and Yups,Took our class photo!Hope it'll be nice luhs:D..haha!KAes,enjoy your weekendS!!!:DDDDDDDD
Poor Kris's suffering with her brAcies yeahs..poorthing..;(
The Two PreTtaire Roaring Tigers,Nisa and Syaff:D
I love this pics,haha!Kris with Her 'BIG' mouth..LOL!
ROAWR!..And here's ATIQAH!
PEaCE!!XD..BEsTies FoRevEr!!
Then,had dinner with hanlin, teeyong and kris:D..LOL!~..the funniest thing happened on the bus,when we boarded the bus, cos' me and kris was holding on to our balloons and some ppl around us was looking at us as if we're monster!LOL~..and when we're twisting and playing with the balloon, some of the kiddies changed their place..LAUGHS!!..we're laughing till our stomach cramp luhs!Are balloons that scary??Hah!KAes,gnna jus upload some random pics yeahs.and Yups,Took our class photo!Hope it'll be nice luhs:D..haha!KAes,enjoy your weekendS!!!:DDDDDDDD
Monday, July 21, 2008
Usual Dental Appt & a NEw lOok For kRiS!
WEesS!Went all The Way to Queenstown shopping centre to get my FBTs yesterday!Thanks to DaD!Hahas,so bought three of it, 2 Purple and 1 orange, cos some other colours were out of stock..wanted to buy the blue and green one..haha,kindda greedy huh?,but they look jus too nicE:D..LOL!..As for today, lessons went on as usual and glad that my annoucement was clear yup.SMILE!(: And yeaps, quite a few of our peeps came to school in All sorts of traditional costumes nice!but too bad i didnt get to wear it as i was lazy to change back into my uniform when i had to take my leave for my dental appt.LAzy bum!HEhe!Yeah,the great part!..Went to the denTal appt with Kristabel, which means,i wont be taking the train alone all the way to town for my appt anymore.haha!..Yups,so Kristabel has her brand new look:D..So cute!haha..but we're still nort use to the new look also luhs,it's normal alrights!I went thru' this thingy a few months ago too,and time really flies,a year or so jus passed without me realising it..haha!But frankly speaking, Bracies' Cool okays!haha!Dun bear to take it out when my time comes..haha~and yeahs,i was told that my wisdom tooth is growing now and maybe there might be changes for my treatment..hope everything'd be alright(:Yups,buss-Ed back on 502 with kris and her mummy and we dozed off..haha..too tired yeah..Kaes,anw,hope Kristabel will have fun hoping on to her Brand new Bracies Journey!!XD
My FBTs...only took two,where's the other one?LOL!
Her treatment's starting..HAHA!
TADA!~The Brackets' on!Nice yeah,she've such nice and white teeth:D
ChOoSing her colour for the band..
Arh....'Open your mouth bigger..'..Cool Dr Ong and His asst.Love them lotS!
Yay!Finally done,and she look so shocked when she happen to look at her own bracie look!LOL!..but it looks nice luhs..No worries:DSMILE!
BuSsed Back home on 502..IT's tiring yeah..Yawns..=Oo..haha!
Yups,So that's all for today,Had to go and rush off my assignment now yeah..hope we'll have fun tomorrow during the Service learning journey and esp PE LESSON!!!WeEsSs!HAPPINESS!XD
Yups,So that's all for today,Had to go and rush off my assignment now yeah..hope we'll have fun tomorrow during the Service learning journey and esp PE LESSON!!!WeEsSs!HAPPINESS!XD
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Recce Trip At PuLau Ubin..XD
Yawns=Oo..It's such a good saturday morning yesterday and i'd to drag myself out of my dearly bed early in the morning at 6.15am...sorry..overslept;X..but i think it's all worth it yeah..haha..met up with Jayne, Jiaying at BL and Taufiq, Rasydi, Jeremy and Gary at JE..Train-ed all the way to Tampines and took bus 29 till the changi jetty, had our breakfast before assembling with Miss koh and Mr Rasak..was kindda excited over this trip yeah..took a boat to Pulau Ubin and started on our journey..Though it's kindda tiring, but we'd REAL Fun!..A cooler Experience i suppose:D.Cycled all around the Island, going upslope and downslope..even saw quite a few groups of middle age uncles and aunties wating by the side of the pathway..waiting for the durian to drop!So surprising yeah, cos we've also witnessed quite a few durians dropping!haha!Too bad i dun eat them..was pretty tiring when we're going up the slope luhs!..and upon a careless incident, my bike tripped on a pebble and i tripped:X..nvm,跌倒了。。就站起来吧!继续往前走。。 so i continued the journey with my minor cuts,not a big deal yeah,haha..but so bad luhs,another cut on my leg again.Humph!And it's kindda suay yeah,cos in the middle of our journey, it kept drizzling and stops,and it comes we're always running after for the nearest shelter when the drizzle after the long 2 hr cycling with our 'sweaty' fun and laughter, we ended up at the jetty again, going back to the changi jetty,after cleaning up and all, we proceeded to Tampines mall for our lunch:D..Thanks to Mr Razak for the treat yeah, but too bad, jayne cant join us as she'd to rush for tennis again..what a busy 'sports girl'.hah!After the feast, we train-ed back to BL again and during the trip back , we'd a good chat with jeremy(:..Gort to know him better yeah..LOL!..met up with ying ying at JP to collect her new phone and also met up with Hanlin for dinner at ToRiQ..YuMmieS:D..Went to shopp-ed and strolled within the mall..Such a coincidence,met Kris and Deon..the cool cool guy.hah! 'Had an Tiring yet Awesome day today!Shall upload some picture taken during the Moments of 'Perspire and laughter' yeah:DD
During the journey to Tampines..the PSP seem to be the only entertainment huh?LOL!
Having our Breakfast:D
Assembled near the jetty with Miss Koh and Mr Razak..
Getting onto the boat..
SMile:DThe Only 'girls'..hah!
And the boys!ChEeSe:D
Mr RaZak and GaRy Posing for a pic(:
Pulau Ubin..Here we come!
Figuring the map~
The beautiful scenery..
Running fo shelter when the drizzle starts again..
A group photo again:D
Smile:DD..Me and Jiaying..We look pretty tired yeah, with our hair messed up..haha!
A good Learning journey for Geography students like us..
Cam-whoring even outside the ladies..hah!
We're getting really tired...resting yeaps:D
Outside the OLD nice yups:D
See how Tired is Jayne..enjoying the cool sea breeze..
The Cool Boys..Tafiq and RaSydi..
The OLD switch in the OLD house..
Everybody's inside the Old house..and here is the missing boy..GARY emo-ing huh?LOL!
A picture for the Senior~Jeremy and Gary..
The Bicycle Rental shop..
See how high we've climbed up the TALL tower?!..haha!And it's COOL!
Getting into the wetland reserves..
We Path we cycled on..
The Reptile we saw on the Tree:D
Resting and taing down some notes again..we've RED bikeS!
The Uncles an Aunties waiting for Durians by the side of the path..
A Actual Group Photo..Well done Guys!We've Done a good job!:DD
The Infor on Check Jawa visitor Centre..
Waiting for the boat at the jetty..
Jayne looks really tired yeah, looking at the waves..
We arrived the arrival hall!look like some airport yeah..
So sweet(;...Taufiq feeding Jeremy with Icecream..HAha!
Our Brownie with ICe cream!YummIes:DDD
And The PizzA!!~
Cookie Monster and Elmo!~Me and yingying having some boredom fun at Toy R'us..
Our Dinner at Tori Q~~
Oh my..My stomach's rumbling again..haha!
Poor injuries on my knee and palm, luckily it wasnt too serious.. i shall end off my post here yups:D..Thanks for the great Day yesterday!Jus went to bought my FBTs jus now..hah,hope we can go to Pulau Ubin for a Trekking and Cycling Trip net week:DDD..I believe we'll have great fun there!!XD*ThreE ChEerS for Us!!*
P.S:Was So PS today when we're at The DDR luhs..Hanlin good luhs,好介绍。haha!was so Malu that me and yingying immediately stood down of the DDR..haha!but we'd fun!Was too high i suppose XD
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