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WorksHopsSss:) I'm finally back to update you guys with what has been happening!haha!Went to help gek with admin work as usual..the coporate lot wasn't as easy as the school's.hah!Had to do some translation..malay(it's like i'm TRYING) and chinese:)Luckily i wasn't alone!Yingying and weehong wanted to go and help too!But gek said another time perhaps:(Gail was down for admin too!Had a nice chat with her and even walk around the mall after lunch!At least i wouldnt be stoning in front of the com the whole day..(:
As i was doing the work, Melvin came along with Zhongyan(surprised)..Had a nice talk with melvin..and laughed over those 'random' topics..haha!Came up with a game too!Melvin's just good with that luhh,just talked about it..and the game is out!:D(Ohhhhh...Gawsh!Went for PHS Workshop today..and didnt conduct the game cos i wasn't sure if i was suppose to give the game sheets out or something..OMG)
Gail working on mel's desk:DWhile mel and me shared the tea-table.ha!
Okays,i know this looks damn disgusting..anw, it's some chinese medicine luhh,couldnt swallow it, and ended up chopping it into a 'thousand' pieces..hahaha!
Phone contract's decided to try out the touch screen phones..has been using sony phones and wanted something different this time after much thoughts...
I bought Samsung Lindy!Not bad though..i like the Neon blue:)hah!Spent my first month pay on's always when you spent on something after you worked hard for it,that you will learn to treasure it:)
Went to IJ st nic for P3hope's workshop..the kids are cute luhh,Amy suggested them to be quiet for a minute...and they really held their breath and keep really quiet..for AWHILE.LOL!
She really has a way to deal with them:D
Hands on!!:DSome of their clocks are niceee:DWas a pretty sweet day for me though..cos while waiting for the trainers to arrive, a group of 5faith kids came and pass me this card..with LIFESKILLS ENRICHMENT ROCKS and some messages written on it..frankly speaking..i was touched..didnt expect the kids to write such nice words..haha!Thank you GirlS:DD
Went on to Mac cos Akira said his stomach was 'empty'.haha!Chatted and kena 'suan~~'trained then to Suntec and met up with JJ and weehong for dinner as promised.Looking at all the different jobs, I think there's always a thing to learn from them..helped JJ end off the work and cover those 'gold'..haha!Cool:DOkayys,I'm kindda tired...shall end off here and update some other photos ASAP:)))CiaOS! and Enjoy your hols for those who're waiting for poly sch reopen, and enjoy your school life to friends who're already in JC!!:DP.S I'm missing my friends...:(
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