Sunday, February 21, 2010


*Sighhhs...suffering from withdrawal syndrome after Chingay Parade '10*
After Cheering all the way for two consecutive days, enjoying every single moment shared with Area 1C, Motivators, Volunteers, Leaders, YPC and etc, when everything had to come to an end, it's really sad..can't bear to put it to an end..those friendships built..laughters and perspiration shared..i guess we'll all miss every single moment of it trying to pull through those long briefings and talks, or Enjoying ourselves to the fullest during games, Cheering sessions and team bonding moments.Hope we'll all stay in contact and work together once again for the upcoming events like NDP'10, YOG and F1!!:D
Strongly recommends friends around to Volunteer and make full use of the free time you have in hand!:DDThe time and everything that's been sacrificed are WORTH it..Totally:))The whole of last week was Visitings, Briefings, Helping out with preparation work, Chingay..and More visitings!!Manage to grab a few hours of rest and had to do friends' visiting early in the morning!!Though not everyone could make it, it was a pretty enjoyable one too!Huihui was the BIG winner luhh!haha!*applause!*
Shall jus post some of the photos and the rest would be up on f/b:DDHope you are also enjoying your February days!!:DBe it lessons in school or work((:
Gathering after the parade..
Assembling for the last time:((
Happy Birthday to eve!Hope you'll like the donuts!:D
Busy writing our Thank you wishes:D
Brought three bags of Pompoms for beta..thanks to zhengyao for the help:D
Will keep the tag in good condition:D
Thanks a lot to The AOICs, Weiguo and Dana, you people ROCK!!
Had a hard time washing..haha!
Thanks to eve for the advance birthday gift:D
Breakfast at JJ's house during the visiting!*Yums*
Saw a paparazi!haha!
We OWNed the bus.LOL!
AngPaos!!:DMore photos will be on f/b:DD

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