XIN NIAN KUAI LE!!:)Shou ye till 4am+ last night and ended up waking up slightly a bit later at 10am+..usually, we'll reach ah gong's house at 11am, so this year, by the time we reach there, majority of the relatives were there..ended up addressing and wishing them non-stop..of course, collecting angpaos non-stop too!!:D
Going to every other relatives' house, it seemed like i just stepped into some childcare centre..there's countless toddlers crying, playing around, laughing and trying to make the words' gongxifacai' out of their mouth..cute luhh!:)haha!
Besides having those usual reunion meal, gathering around 2 respective tables, enjoying the steamboat and some of ahgong's famous must-have dishes, some of our cousins, nieces and nephews also went to Hongkuan's room to have our Jurong IR(2)!!haha!Played Mahjong, blackjack.. with those little 'kiddies' addicting to the game..LOL!Once in a while,it's jus pure luck and fun!:) hongyi was generous enough to be the banker and yang to be the dealer..Had a great deal of fun and laughteR!!:Dhaha!Okayys, i shall continue my blogging with the pictures and short captions to fill you in with what has happened:)))

 that's about it for today!!:D1.50am now..time to have a good rest and continue with more visitings tmr!!!:D
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