Okayyys,i've no idea what's wrong with my phone USB cable but i took more than an hour to trasnfer the files-.-Damnnn tired and eyes're closing soon..so shall make this post a quick one:)
Met up with Yiwen ,Syaff, Janice, Zhongyan and Beverley in CHIJ this morning..looks like it's become our school routine.LOL!Tried their canteen food once again...not too bad:)Went to 5Faith today, miss those girls!:)Was hoping hard that they'd be enthu today and indeed:DDSurprisingly, they love the icebreakers and even remembered the cheer that i taught them on the previous training session!*sense of satisfaction*:)
They thought I'm like 14 or 15..*hoho!*..among all the sessions, i could say that today was the best one!haha!Though some problems were faced, with pupils that may tend to be outcasted or left out, but overall, situation was considered under control and they were enjoying their games and presentation!!:D
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