Thursday, January 14, 2010

Days with those Kids around:)

*Physically exhausted*:S
Having to reach home, rest awhile and head towards my lovely bed, it has gradually became a routine..luckily my schdule won't be as packed for next week!*phew*Having slight headache and flu..garhh.really need to know when to get a proper rest:D!!Has been going to CHIJ st nic's 6 faith and 5faith for the past two days!The kids are really hyper this time round!Seeing how the kids cheer and Ra-Ra themselves on really make my day!Love this job..and visualising what i'll be doing in the near possible future in my career perhaps:D
Small classes are better to handle:)
Candies to keep up their enthusiasm!!:D
Submitted JAE!!:DHope i've made the right decision!:D

That's all for the day!Wouldn't be blogging long posts these few days perhaps:D

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