Yays!So we're back to our routine school life yups,had lotsa' fun in school luhs!LOL!Especially During phy Lessons and some other usual lessons:DD.LOL!Missed all my dearly peeps!Sobs,happy and sad at the same time yeahs..haven't been having enough sleep lately luhs..so many catching ups and assignments to complete!Nid help for chem yahs!Hate Acids and Bases!Humph.Kays,back to the happenings during the last weekends before school reopens yeah..Had Lotsa' Laughters and sweet memories,went back to stalford for our tuition:D..Haha!Had a new teacher yeah..she's kindda different from William, as in she focuses more on vocabs yeah..haha..but i still miss william:(After Tuition, Met up with Shufei and bus-ed down to JP,took a train down to JE then to meet Joan, bloom, cass, Yonghao, Hanlin and Standley..waited for the 大少爷again..LOL!Train-ed to Bugis to shop-ED and had lunch at longjoHn:DEnjoy the shopping Spree;PTook NeoprinTs at Bugis Junction!LOL!SnaP like CrAzy can!After all the playings , snappings and fun, we went on to Suntec for the 'Suntec Dance 2008 Final'!Kindda disappointing luhs,cos as the Compeition went on, it started drizzling and the rain gort heavier and heavier..so we decided to go for dinner instead of staying thru'out the compeitition..so 扫兴luhs.sobs.but it doesnt brings our mood down yeah..LOL!We gort High-ER during our dinner!Thanks to Bloom for starting the neh-neh luh!(So Unglam)!LOL!Then the three boys gort so ABNORMAL!Gort back home at around 11pm+..Had lotsa' laughters that day yups,and i guess the next time we'll meet out for such crazy times would be after EOY le buhs.Time to settle down and revise le.^^
As for Sunday, woke up early in the morning and met up with ying ying before going to Hongyi's house for Maths tuition!Thanks lots to him yeap!So i've finally understood Linear law and had cleared a big chunk of my doubtS!LOL!Thanks to his Oreo Cheesecake yeas,it's nice yups.but i'm jus too sensitive to the word,sorry.Came home to mug after that, felt so sorry luhs,cos i kept calling Danny for help on my maths:DThanks!A good peer tutor indeed!Bus-eD to Abby's house after that for her House warming!GongXiGongXi!!Met all the kiddies there!MissEd megan lotS!Still so cute as ever luhs!*PiNcHie-CheeKS*Played, Cam-Whore and did some hmwk!LOL!..So guai huh.Cos i didnt get to finish up my holiday assignmentS!Gort home at around 9pm+..Rush off my chinese compo, with Daniel's help and Get on To My LALALand!!~Kays,i think i'm crapping far too much huh, shall post the piCs now!:DDD
P.S Hope All of you'd Enjoyed you Short and Sweet Sept Holidays!XD
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