P.S.Time to Settle down and mugMugMUG!~!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
StUdy Hard; Play Hard!!;P
~WEeSss!Another Saturday Study group with my BesTie:D..Too bad kris cant join us,cos she wanted to study at home..and was kindda surprise cos this time round, we seriously STUDIED..hah!After the usual tuition till 1pm(miss william's lessons!!-hope to have him back again yeah):sobs.),and lunch with yiwen and yiyue, we bus-ED down to huayi bus stop to meet up with Ying ying and Standley, felt kindda disappointed luhs,cos we forgt that SCS wasnt open during the weekends..so we decided to just settle down by the void deck where they have all the chairs and desks..Our mugging started...minutes later, Hanlin and Huihui Joined us..so we sat on two individual tables and started to 埋头苦读。After around two hours, our level of concentration declined..hah!Thus, we get off our seats and started DANCING!Haha..practiced our dance step and showed some individual choreographying..buZz-ED off to JP for our dinner,had lotsa' laughter on the way there yeaps..LOL!We're all too Impure le..u can read more from yiwen's blog^^..after our sumptuous dinner, we went on to Zone-X for a game of DDR, went home in different directions after that(:Had a great day today, and hope we'll all strive well for our EOY, this might be my last post, shouldnt be blogging until EOY end yeah..JIAYOU!!
P.S.Time to Settle down and mugMugMUG!~!
Yiwen and Hanlin challenging on the DDR!Haha!
Our Dinner:DD
All Studying so seriously, helping one another..
My Mess;X
Practicing our dance Choreographying..
P.S.Time to Settle down and mugMugMUG!~!
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