Kays,shall end off here yeaps...gtta be back to my muggings now!Having Emaths and Chem Common Tests this Coming Week!JIAYOU!:DDD
Sunday, September 14, 2008
HIp Hop-Cum-STeamBoAt PaRTY:D
WeEsSHoo!~Haha!Had a KRumPing Great Day On FrIDay And 'SteAming' Hot Day on SatuRday!LOL!Pls dun xiang Wai Wai hur!Kays,So shall Start With the Dance Lesson On Friday yeaps!and Wan, We rEally Appreciate you for coming down yeaps,despite of your injuries and all, u actually did it for us..So Touched:)Learnt the basic skills of krumping and had fun learning the 'uses of different weapons'!Hah!Axe,Hammer,Bat,Stab,What's next?Hah!Sorry,dunno how to spell the weapon huh.So we went around choreographing the steps like this!Cool yea!Went for Dinner and proceeded to Huihui's House for some WoOfy Good time:DHaha!Hope Kris will get off her phobia for dogs:DAs For YesTerday, after my usual Tuition, I Train-ed down to JE for Study group and went to get our shopping list cleared before going over To Kris's house to celebRate Mid Autumn Festival!, In Advance i suppose,But instead of MoONCakes and Chinese Traditional Tea We'd Steamboat and SoftDrinks!LOL!Too bad Yiwen, Yiyue, Jayne, Shaoyi and some other peeps couldn't join us;(Nvm, hope u guys'd enjoyed the wonderful day too!^^Had lotsa' Fun 'BBQ-ing' and Pranking yeah..haha...kays,shant type too much duh...shall let the pictures continue the talking..haha!cos' PICTURES TELLS A THOUSAND WORDS:DOnce Again, HAPPY MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL:DDD
WaN!Our DAncE InStructor!LOL!
Us Practiticing our Baby Freeze..
WooHoo!and ShuFei Did It!!
Our dinner~
Kris, With PandA Sitting by her Side..Freaking out huh..LOL!
CuTie PAndA!
Looking at some Seafood..hah!
Preparing the food..
WeEes!Let's DIG IN!!~*Yum Yum*
What're They doing??Looks wrong..hah!
Standley and YongHao Cooking for the Rest?..Hmms..
STOP!What's Stan Trying to do with the BIG SPOONFUL OF Butter?!
Cooking!PRO-NESS huh?PoTential COOKER-STAN!LOL!
ShuFei And Joan Helping out With the Mopping!
Guess What Are they doing??
Playing a Prank Using Kris's Account..LOL!Almost laughed our heads out luh!
After Richard, WeeHong kena the next Target..Poor Thing..hah!
Kris almost went nuts when she knew what they did..*PIAK*
The Burnt Sparkles..
*tinGs*the Connection within..
JuMpIeS!Nice ArH!
StanDley And YongHao Trying To Battle HanlIn With Their AxEs!!*RAWR!*
L.O.V.E...CaNDid SHot:D..
Huihui Playing With the Candles..
The SpiDer BoysS...They did it for the Shot duh.hah!
How Holy can this be?LOL!
Trying to be funny..hah!Blowing out the Candles..
ShuFei and Her RowS of Candles~
Huihui Doing Her DaRe Act~
Kays,shall end off here yeaps...gtta be back to my muggings now!Having Emaths and Chem Common Tests this Coming Week!JIAYOU!:DDD
Kays,shall end off here yeaps...gtta be back to my muggings now!Having Emaths and Chem Common Tests this Coming Week!JIAYOU!:DDD
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