Haha,Missing my ChildHood Times yeah,where my life's so carefree and I do nort have to bother about so many things..how time flies, in a blink of an eye,15 years had flew passed..sighs,like what many people say, always look ahead and foresee your bright future..what you do now is the preparation for your future..everything lies in your hands:D
Friday, September 19, 2008
Days Of HappENingSs xD
Arghs!Another week has jus passed like this!Gosh..which mean i'm left with 1 LAST week before the End Of Year ExaM!Sighs..The STRESS signal Lit up again, shall get myself ready into the Study mode yeah..only started my very brief revision on geog..hope i can complete all the revisions in time yeap.This yar's EOY Time table is HORRIBLE!Maths and Physics, how are we going to study!Gonna'faint luh!Thanks to Khairul for Teaching and helping me with the Ionic equation!!But felt really guilty-striken yeah..sorry khai..i didnt know that u wanted to continue the teaching..cos i thought clara needed more help on her maths..really sorry yeah..but frankly speaking, i really appreciate what you've taught and u've did an awesome job^^At least u cleared one whole lot of my doubts!Haha!Haish,after clearing my doubts on my sciences, i still nid help on maths and FE!Exams round the corner and all the stress's like pouring down and beckoning on every single one of us!3A's like having a heavy downpour yeah..and some of us are like people walking in the rain without umbrellas..hope we'll all strive well for the EOY and give it our best shot!JIAYOU!Due to all the stress and heavy load of assignments to complete..i think i've changed(As in behaviour)..dunno why,but for those who've realise, i've been in a daze...皮笑肉不笑, know what i mean?I'm lost in my thoughts...struggling real hard to understand and focus on the lessons..but no worries, i know ways to manage with stress..haish,jus feel kindda tired and i nid some time to take a deep breathe.Enjoyed Friday lots Luh!Haha..DanCe Lesson!Dance room-The place where we can get ourselves out and DE-STRESS!Was really enjoying the lessons luh!Learnt a new dance today..hah!Was damn confused when we were placed facing different directions~LOL!Had the best laugh during today's lesson:DThanks People!Gonna choreograph our own 2 counts of 8 dance steps..haha!Dunno how would it be like yeah.And yeaps,glad to know that everything's fine between you all le,u should know who u are..always remember friends are meant to be friends, they're hard to come by..hope once the problem is resolved, you all will be back to the BFF relationship again^^
Playing a Fool in the ladies ;P
On our way home when the sun sets..
Chocolate Minty CookieS!Love It LotSs!!:D
Me and YanHui's Doings..
Cam-War-Ing with Yiwen..hah!LMAO~:X
And Snappie!A shot Of Qiqi Thru' Webcam^^
Guess Who's this??
And This!..Wahaha...
Hmms...wonder when's this taken;D
SisTers ForevEr!!xD
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