P.S.Time to Settle down and mugMugMUG!~!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
StUdy Hard; Play Hard!!;P
~WEeSss!Another Saturday Study group with my BesTie:D..Too bad kris cant join us,cos she wanted to study at home..and was kindda surprise cos this time round, we seriously STUDIED..hah!After the usual tuition till 1pm(miss william's lessons!!-hope to have him back again yeah):sobs.),and lunch with yiwen and yiyue, we bus-ED down to huayi bus stop to meet up with Ying ying and Standley, felt kindda disappointed luhs,cos we forgt that SCS wasnt open during the weekends..so we decided to just settle down by the void deck where they have all the chairs and desks..Our mugging started...minutes later, Hanlin and Huihui Joined us..so we sat on two individual tables and started to 埋头苦读。After around two hours, our level of concentration declined..hah!Thus, we get off our seats and started DANCING!Haha..practiced our dance step and showed some individual choreographying..buZz-ED off to JP for our dinner,had lotsa' laughter on the way there yeaps..LOL!We're all too Impure le..u can read more from yiwen's blog^^..after our sumptuous dinner, we went on to Zone-X for a game of DDR, went home in different directions after that(:Had a great day today, and hope we'll all strive well for our EOY, this might be my last post, shouldnt be blogging until EOY end yeah..JIAYOU!!
P.S.Time to Settle down and mugMugMUG!~!
Yiwen and Hanlin challenging on the DDR!Haha!
Our Dinner:DD
All Studying so seriously, helping one another..
My Mess;X
Practicing our dance Choreographying..
P.S.Time to Settle down and mugMugMUG!~!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Days Of HappENingSs xD
Arghs!Another week has jus passed like this!Gosh..which mean i'm left with 1 LAST week before the End Of Year ExaM!Sighs..The STRESS signal Lit up again, shall get myself ready into the Study mode yeah..only started my very brief revision on geog..hope i can complete all the revisions in time yeap.This yar's EOY Time table is HORRIBLE!Maths and Physics, how are we going to study!Gonna'faint luh!Thanks to Khairul for Teaching and helping me with the Ionic equation!!But felt really guilty-striken yeah..sorry khai..i didnt know that u wanted to continue the teaching..cos i thought clara needed more help on her maths..really sorry yeah..but frankly speaking, i really appreciate what you've taught and u've did an awesome job^^At least u cleared one whole lot of my doubts!Haha!Haish,after clearing my doubts on my sciences, i still nid help on maths and FE!Exams round the corner and all the stress's like pouring down and beckoning on every single one of us!3A's like having a heavy downpour yeah..and some of us are like people walking in the rain without umbrellas..hope we'll all strive well for the EOY and give it our best shot!JIAYOU!Due to all the stress and heavy load of assignments to complete..i think i've changed(As in behaviour)..dunno why,but for those who've realise, i've been in a daze...皮笑肉不笑, know what i mean?I'm lost in my thoughts...struggling real hard to understand and focus on the lessons..but no worries, i know ways to manage with stress..haish,jus feel kindda tired and i nid some time to take a deep breathe.Enjoyed Friday lots Luh!Haha..DanCe Lesson!Dance room-The place where we can get ourselves out and DE-STRESS!Was really enjoying the lessons luh!Learnt a new dance today..hah!Was damn confused when we were placed facing different directions~LOL!Had the best laugh during today's lesson:DThanks People!Gonna choreograph our own 2 counts of 8 dance steps..haha!Dunno how would it be like yeah.And yeaps,glad to know that everything's fine between you all le,u should know who u are..always remember friends are meant to be friends, they're hard to come by..hope once the problem is resolved, you all will be back to the BFF relationship again^^
Playing a Fool in the ladies ;P
On our way home when the sun sets..
Chocolate Minty CookieS!Love It LotSs!!:D
Me and YanHui's Doings..
Cam-War-Ing with Yiwen..hah!LMAO~:X
And Snappie!A shot Of Qiqi Thru' Webcam^^
Guess Who's this??
And This!..Wahaha...
Hmms...wonder when's this taken;D
SisTers ForevEr!!xD
Haha,Missing my ChildHood Times yeah,where my life's so carefree and I do nort have to bother about so many things..how time flies, in a blink of an eye,15 years had flew passed..sighs,like what many people say, always look ahead and foresee your bright future..what you do now is the preparation for your future..everything lies in your hands:D
Sunday, September 14, 2008
HIp Hop-Cum-STeamBoAt PaRTY:D
WeEsSHoo!~Haha!Had a KRumPing Great Day On FrIDay And 'SteAming' Hot Day on SatuRday!LOL!Pls dun xiang Wai Wai hur!Kays,So shall Start With the Dance Lesson On Friday yeaps!and Wan, We rEally Appreciate you for coming down yeaps,despite of your injuries and all, u actually did it for us..So Touched:)Learnt the basic skills of krumping and had fun learning the 'uses of different weapons'!Hah!Axe,Hammer,Bat,Stab,What's next?Hah!Sorry,dunno how to spell the weapon huh.So we went around choreographing the steps like this!Cool yea!Went for Dinner and proceeded to Huihui's House for some WoOfy Good time:DHaha!Hope Kris will get off her phobia for dogs:DAs For YesTerday, after my usual Tuition, I Train-ed down to JE for Study group and went to get our shopping list cleared before going over To Kris's house to celebRate Mid Autumn Festival!, In Advance i suppose,But instead of MoONCakes and Chinese Traditional Tea We'd Steamboat and SoftDrinks!LOL!Too bad Yiwen, Yiyue, Jayne, Shaoyi and some other peeps couldn't join us;(Nvm, hope u guys'd enjoyed the wonderful day too!^^Had lotsa' Fun 'BBQ-ing' and Pranking yeah..haha...kays,shant type too much duh...shall let the pictures continue the talking..haha!cos' PICTURES TELLS A THOUSAND WORDS:DOnce Again, HAPPY MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL:DDD
WaN!Our DAncE InStructor!LOL!
Us Practiticing our Baby Freeze..
WooHoo!and ShuFei Did It!!
Our dinner~
Kris, With PandA Sitting by her Side..Freaking out huh..LOL!
CuTie PAndA!
Looking at some Seafood..hah!
Preparing the food..
WeEes!Let's DIG IN!!~*Yum Yum*
What're They doing??Looks wrong..hah!
Standley and YongHao Cooking for the Rest?..Hmms..
STOP!What's Stan Trying to do with the BIG SPOONFUL OF Butter?!
Cooking!PRO-NESS huh?PoTential COOKER-STAN!LOL!
ShuFei And Joan Helping out With the Mopping!
Guess What Are they doing??
Playing a Prank Using Kris's Account..LOL!Almost laughed our heads out luh!
After Richard, WeeHong kena the next Target..Poor Thing..hah!
Kris almost went nuts when she knew what they did..*PIAK*
The Burnt Sparkles..
*tinGs*the Connection within..
JuMpIeS!Nice ArH!
StanDley And YongHao Trying To Battle HanlIn With Their AxEs!!*RAWR!*
L.O.V.E...CaNDid SHot:D..
Huihui Playing With the Candles..
The SpiDer BoysS...They did it for the Shot duh.hah!
How Holy can this be?LOL!
Trying to be funny..hah!Blowing out the Candles..
ShuFei and Her RowS of Candles~
Huihui Doing Her DaRe Act~
Kays,shall end off here yeaps...gtta be back to my muggings now!Having Emaths and Chem Common Tests this Coming Week!JIAYOU!:DDD
Kays,shall end off here yeaps...gtta be back to my muggings now!Having Emaths and Chem Common Tests this Coming Week!JIAYOU!:DDD
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
pEeR TuToRIng @ NP!:DD
WeEeSs!!Back to NgEe Ann For our FE lessons:D..Some felt really excited while the others bored.haha.reason being, the lectures' can be realy dry and boring at times yeah..where you have lotsa' information and new formulas bombarding directly to you!Haha!Yeaps,had usual lessons..and thanks to Jayne for doing my duty for me^^Enjoyed SS lesson yeah..left off to Ngee Ann straight after english lesson..argh!Damn Pissed with the Bus driver luhs,though he's nort doing anything wrong, but must he be that ridiculous?!We were holding some food in our hands and he was like doing some hand signs, trying to tell us that we're nort allowed onto the bus until we finish our food!Purposely close the door and locked us out luhs!We're at fault though,but can't he just ask us to keep the food and eat it after we alight from his bus instead of askin' us to gobble them all down into our stomachs like within minutEs?!Hope we wont be going onto the same bus next week!humph;Pshall nort let him spoil my day, continue with the happy stuff yeaps:D..Had peeR tutoring by some Ngee Ann Poly Engineering Course Seniors and i think we've indeed learnt something from them(:Had Fun yeahS!Yeaps,.took some random shots and shall share them now^^haha!Hope we'll have a joyous day tomorrow:D
Our Tools for the Day, The DMM(Digital Multi Meter) and the Circuit board.
Nort Forgetting the interesting trAining board:D
The Cute lamp that we saw at the 'Provision shop' in NP,So *Ahem* huh?LOL!:X
Ate CheeZel!The Cutie 3D Cartoon;P
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
WoW!!More HappEningS!
Yays!So we're back to our routine school life yups,had lotsa' fun in school luhs!LOL!Especially During phy Lessons and some other usual lessons:DD.LOL!Missed all my dearly peeps!Sobs,happy and sad at the same time yeahs..haven't been having enough sleep lately luhs..so many catching ups and assignments to complete!Nid help for chem yahs!Hate Acids and Bases!Humph.Kays,back to the happenings during the last weekends before school reopens yeah..Had Lotsa' Laughters and sweet memories,went back to stalford for our tuition:D..Haha!Had a new teacher yeah..she's kindda different from William, as in she focuses more on vocabs yeah..haha..but i still miss william:(After Tuition, Met up with Shufei and bus-ed down to JP,took a train down to JE then to meet Joan, bloom, cass, Yonghao, Hanlin and Standley..waited for the 大少爷again..LOL!Train-ed to Bugis to shop-ED and had lunch at longjoHn:DEnjoy the shopping Spree;PTook NeoprinTs at Bugis Junction!LOL!SnaP like CrAzy can!After all the playings , snappings and fun, we went on to Suntec for the 'Suntec Dance 2008 Final'!Kindda disappointing luhs,cos as the Compeition went on, it started drizzling and the rain gort heavier and heavier..so we decided to go for dinner instead of staying thru'out the compeitition..so 扫兴luhs.sobs.but it doesnt brings our mood down yeah..LOL!We gort High-ER during our dinner!Thanks to Bloom for starting the neh-neh luh!(So Unglam)!LOL!Then the three boys gort so ABNORMAL!Gort back home at around 11pm+..Had lotsa' laughters that day yups,and i guess the next time we'll meet out for such crazy times would be after EOY le buhs.Time to settle down and revise le.^^
As for Sunday, woke up early in the morning and met up with ying ying before going to Hongyi's house for Maths tuition!Thanks lots to him yeap!So i've finally understood Linear law and had cleared a big chunk of my doubtS!LOL!Thanks to his Oreo Cheesecake yeas,it's nice yups.but i'm jus too sensitive to the word,sorry.Came home to mug after that, felt so sorry luhs,cos i kept calling Danny for help on my maths:DThanks!A good peer tutor indeed!Bus-eD to Abby's house after that for her House warming!GongXiGongXi!!Met all the kiddies there!MissEd megan lotS!Still so cute as ever luhs!*PiNcHie-CheeKS*Played, Cam-Whore and did some hmwk!LOL!..So guai huh.Cos i didnt get to finish up my holiday assignmentS!Gort home at around 9pm+..Rush off my chinese compo, with Daniel's help and Get on To My LALALand!!~Kays,i think i'm crapping far too much huh, shall post the piCs now!:DDD
P.S Hope All of you'd Enjoyed you Short and Sweet Sept Holidays!XD
KangLong and Mogan Fooling around..Hah!
The ThRee Ham-someS..LOL.BluRr-ED~
Megan using my Hp to Zi-pai luhs,LOL!
The PreTtaire BabE!MeGan!Miss her lotS!:D
Nicholas trying to have a cam-War~
Michelle focusing on her maths question..
At Longjohn having our Lunch!~
Hanlin Trying to Zi-pai using Bloom's style!LOL!
Standley,like i say, all the boys being abnormal that PARTICULAR day!*LAUGHS!*
YongHao and Hanlin, SeXy huh?
CutIe Joan And Hanlin Acting Cute^^
The Cool 苍蝇。。
Getting ready for the shot..
RAndom Shot..LOL!
The Big Balloons outside Suntec Convention Centre..Wanna Try luh,looks fun~haha!
The 'SunTec Dance 2008' At the Fountain of Wealth!
The Compeition went on...who knows,it suddenly drizzled!
Yays!So we're back to our routine school life yups,had lotsa' fun in school luhs!LOL!Especially During phy Lessons and some other usual lessons:DD.LOL!Missed all my dearly peeps!Sobs,happy and sad at the same time yeahs..haven't been having enough sleep lately luhs..so many catching ups and assignments to complete!Nid help for chem yahs!Hate Acids and Bases!Humph.Kays,back to the happenings during the last weekends before school reopens yeah..Had Lotsa' Laughters and sweet memories,went back to stalford for our tuition:D..Haha!Had a new teacher yeah..she's kindda different from William, as in she focuses more on vocabs yeah..haha..but i still miss william:(After Tuition, Met up with Shufei and bus-ed down to JP,took a train down to JE then to meet Joan, bloom, cass, Yonghao, Hanlin and Standley..waited for the 大少爷again..LOL!Train-ed to Bugis to shop-ED and had lunch at longjoHn:DEnjoy the shopping Spree;PTook NeoprinTs at Bugis Junction!LOL!SnaP like CrAzy can!After all the playings , snappings and fun, we went on to Suntec for the 'Suntec Dance 2008 Final'!Kindda disappointing luhs,cos as the Compeition went on, it started drizzling and the rain gort heavier and heavier..so we decided to go for dinner instead of staying thru'out the compeitition..so 扫兴luhs.sobs.but it doesnt brings our mood down yeah..LOL!We gort High-ER during our dinner!Thanks to Bloom for starting the neh-neh luh!(So Unglam)!LOL!Then the three boys gort so ABNORMAL!Gort back home at around 11pm+..Had lotsa' laughters that day yups,and i guess the next time we'll meet out for such crazy times would be after EOY le buhs.Time to settle down and revise le.^^
As for Sunday, woke up early in the morning and met up with ying ying before going to Hongyi's house for Maths tuition!Thanks lots to him yeap!So i've finally understood Linear law and had cleared a big chunk of my doubtS!LOL!Thanks to his Oreo Cheesecake yeas,it's nice yups.but i'm jus too sensitive to the word,sorry.Came home to mug after that, felt so sorry luhs,cos i kept calling Danny for help on my maths:DThanks!A good peer tutor indeed!Bus-eD to Abby's house after that for her House warming!GongXiGongXi!!Met all the kiddies there!MissEd megan lotS!Still so cute as ever luhs!*PiNcHie-CheeKS*Played, Cam-Whore and did some hmwk!LOL!..So guai huh.Cos i didnt get to finish up my holiday assignmentS!Gort home at around 9pm+..Rush off my chinese compo, with Daniel's help and Get on To My LALALand!!~Kays,i think i'm crapping far too much huh, shall post the piCs now!:DDD
P.S Hope All of you'd Enjoyed you Short and Sweet Sept Holidays!XD
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