Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Quest o8' RawKS:D..Well Done ALL!!XD

~WeEeSsS!!!We've finally completed The Quest!!Hahas..Was Damn tired yeahs
(*Leg still aching until now!)..But at the very least, despite of nort winning, We've still enjoyed ourselves a lot and have gained a new experiencE!But i guess everyone's already a winner cos' we've won the NeBo membership and have gotten so many Vouchers and all:D..hahas..满足了。Anywaiis, I've really
got to thank every single one of my Group members yeah:D..So, special thanks to Shaoyi, Sinyan, Jingjing and KangYu!!Yeaps..esp for Kangyu larhs..did so many sacrifices for our group!Thanks:DD..hahas..without them, i doubt we'll be able to complete the whole QuesT! everything starts here..I think i'm considered really shuay one larhs..woke up in the morning..overslept!So gort changed immediately...was suppose to meet the rest of them at dhoby ghaut @7am..but when i boarded the bus, i jus realised that i didnt bring my Ez-Link card!!Argh!Sotong me~so gtta chiong back home!Within 5 mins, gort everything done and Rushed to the mrt Station to meet shaoyi first..sorry to make her wait yeah..make me feel so baD~reached Dhoby ghaut @ 7.20am if i'm nort wrong...sorry to make Kangyu and jingjing wait too~:(..went on to register first as we wait for Sinyan..after the registration, gort changed into the Quest's orange tee..nice yeah:D..then, started the discussion!Thanks to jayne's help too!Sorry to disturb you early in the with much help from some of our friends, we managed to answer some of the questions first..that means, we wont be spending time cracking our brains when we reached our destination:D..The quest started officially at 9.45am if i'm nort wrong and everybody CHIONG to the bus stop!I think almost 5 or 6 bus at least was fully packed by the Orange Tee PeePs here's the first part of my post...shall blog some pictures first:D(and yeaps.Thanks to those who've sent your well wishes to us:D)
Registrating~~~All in our own attire..
Discussion among the GROUPSsS~~~
Some of them bringing books of Maps while some even cleverer..brought laptops..
As for us..we've brought nothing but PHONES! called our friends early in the morning for help!!!THANKS PEEPS!Aii sii ni men le!XD
The Cool and Humourous Emcee...The booklet...
And here's the Race Passport!:DBalloons sprang into the sky as the race starts..*PEEEEEEEEEEP*Everyone running to the busstop!!CHIONG ARHS!!~~~~~~Our first checkpoint..Botanic Garden..Spent 1Hr ++ there..跑到~~~~Everybody rushing into the gate of Botanic Garden...冲啊!!~~~~ Running past the Bridge~~~
Scrambling on the Reading cards...finding the ans..
Thanks to Sinyan, the great artist, for the great DrawingS:D*ApplauSE*
Everyone drawing the features of the tree...
Sealing wax palm..that we have to draw..
Cashew Nut tree, where we cant see any cashew nut~
Bread idea what's that too:P
Here's it!
The great Drawings of SinYan~:DDWell done yeah!! Next checkpoint..The Fort Canning Park..YEah..the point where we have to climb like dunno how many flights of stairs jus after our bites!then we ACCIDENTALLY jumped over the sacred memory board!SobBsS!Freak us out when we knew about it..cos we didnt kinow about it at first until we saw the Carvings on the Stone!!!*eEriiE*..Kaes....dun talk about it at that particular checkpoint, Jingjing did her part and had to do some tash while skiiping:D
Here's the thing that she's to do~~~

Teddy bear, Teddy Bear, Turn around.
'' '' , Touch the ground.
'' '', Say your prayers.
'' '', Turn off the light.
'' '', Say goodnight.
Yeahs..i think that's about it..after that, we ran back to the MRT station and rushed to the next checkpoint!Time's TIGHT!!
The crowds at the field in the Fort canning Park~Yeaps:DCompleted the Task!We've got the TEAM SPIRIT MAN!XD Walked past the National Museum of Singapore and Saw a really BIG cherry~~
On our way to the next destination..tired Kangyu~~Resting..
Jingjing resting her eyes too...poor us..gtta run in the rain yeah..was indeed like some amazing race...~JIAYOU:DWe've gort some more stations to go! Reached the Next checkpoint!Around Cityhall~..and we niida do a horrible task!!!
Sinyan was suppose to Carry kangyu on his legs and they had to travel to a place and kangyu have to pick up a balloon and blow it until it burst!!!Poor kangyu...辛苦你了。。
But he'd really did an Awesome job!!!他也是有够长气的咯!!Past by this cute Dino:DCarrying our legs as fast as we could to the next destination!!~After that, we have to travel all the way to Tampanies and was asked to Sing a song related to NTUC..Thanks to jing jing for the great lyrics yeah..have the potential to be a song writer huh!And also have to thank the 3 passer by who have to hear us sing luh..and even gave us full marks:DDDAII SII NI MEN LE!!!!!<3<3<3~~
Then, Chiong straight to Pasir Ris park for the next checkpoint!.Have to carry our team members and run for 25m x 20 i we jus go one after another!Hahas..Macho Jing jing piggybagged Sinyan while i did it with Shaoyi:D..Kangyu then piggybagged Jing jing and Sinyan Respectively to complete the race!
After the last checkpoint at Whitesand, we laid our tired feets down as we waited for the bus~~Finally..We're ending!!My legs're really shouting 救命啊!~LOLS:D
Sharing the funny moments:D经过风吹雨打的结果。。our passport was almost torn by then..XPWE COMPLETED ALL THE CHECKPOINTS!!!WOOTS:DDDD3 CHEERS FOR OUR GROUP!! Walking back to the Ending energy le..batt. FLAT!
FInAlly...We reached the END POINT~~Watching the performance put up by some entertainerS:D

>>After getting our Goodie Bags, we browsed thru' the vouchers and found that a couple of them were dued on that actual day!eps. the Free admission ticket to Escape!So our group members decided to Have a sprEeing good time at escape:DDDhahas..ChoonSeng then came to joined us too..Met yiwen on the way! 巧~Kangyu and Choonseng sitting at the row in front of us during the viking ride.. playing some games at the game stations..after the FREAK OUT EXPERIENCE AT THE HAUNTED house..tear-ED even before i stepped into the haunted house luh!cos one of the worker wore the mask and jumped from the back of the door and scare us..SOBbSss..and thanks to jingjing, Sinyan and Kangyu's consolence yeah..cos 我真的吓到了。。
Getting onto the Pirate ship~
Sinyan, jingjing and Kangyu's on the flippers!WooSh!!~Choon Seng and Shaoyi..The LovieS:D >>After the Really long wait for the Go-kart, we FINALLY get into the Kart..
Pretty shaoyi in her Kart 12..the one that i ride the other time:D
aND ChoonSeng:D
After that, went for another ride of Inverter~~
Then, after the Awesome fun at Escape, i went to Yiwen's family chalet and joined in the fun too!Also have to thank her family for their 热情招待。。And yeaps:D..Happy Birthday to her Cousin:DDWith his cuttie shy derhs^^
*SnaPSs*A family photo:D
Watching the Tv:D

~Yawns, after the tiring day, Yiwen's dad gave a ride home..Thanks lotSs yea!! i guess that's about it:D..Had great fun today yeah..and hope we'll have another chance to meet out with my group memberS:D..Love em' lots!And hope you guys've enjoyed yourself too!:DDD
(P.S:..Must grow taller kangyu wont get to hit my forehead again!so PS la..but also no choice..shorter than a boy shii 无罪的!*LAUGHS*Nvm..dun bully xiiao di di~~:X)

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