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I'm Back to SchoOL!!!~
WeEsSs!!~HappiNesS!!!I'm Finally Back to School,Haha!Wonder Why,But i just enjoy going to School yeah,,*Weirdo*..haha!Especially Meeting my Dear FriendSss!!!Yeahs,Was so Happy When i Saw KhaiRul and CaSsanDra Early in the morning!!!They're not leaving us AnymOre!!!*Kept Smiling Till My Cheek Bone was so damn tired(:*Yeahs,and Thanks to all my Dear Friends for the Souveniers(:So Touched yeah..*Laughs!*..But Serious,I'm REALLY happy today!ArhH!!!~Haha!Sorry.Maybe i went Too High lerhs...Yeahs,And yeaps:D..WelCome Xuxiang to 3A yeahs,Was having some difficulties talking to him yeah,cos he was kindda shy;P..But i'm still trying my best to remember the Pronounciation of His name,徐享。And Hope he'll enjoy the time In 3A(:Some Other pupils from 3B and 3C also joined us for our geog lesson:D..Welcome Too;)Besides these happy stuff, something also made some of us rather 'low' too..cos' our time table has been changed;(And we didnt get to enjoy our PE lesson today!SoBs;(Had Double Maths and Sciences, Geog, Mothertongue and English, Lessons had to End At ONLY 4pm!!Argh,everyone was kinnda exhausted and tired by then..too many things to absorb yeah.haha!But Despite of all this, we still enjoyed ourselves today!Esp. during our physics lessons,Thanks to Mr wee for all the Jokes yeah, make us laugh till~~~Argh..My face'd nearly gone numb above's some of my Joy and Sorrow from my very first day back to school after the long june holiday..haha..But i'll still prefer to look on the brighter side yups,Enjoyed today yea*SMILE*,esp the precious moments with my PeEpSs!!!Yeahs,hmms,leaving that topic,we're getting closer and closer to the month of JULY!The Month with the most Birthday Babies!!HAha!So shall send my Advance Birthday Wishes to Each and Every Single one of them(:-ThendRal!! StAnDlEy!!KrIsTaBel!!CaSsaNdRa!!YiYin!!XinYi!!HuiHui!!ClaRa!!FaRrelL!!KaRen!!Gtta really Save Some bUcks For Their BirThday GiftS(:..*POk lerhs;P*But nvm, It's a Special Day for them Anw xD..Kaes,So shall end my post here yeahs,Still gtta rush off My Hmwk for today,Argh..first day and new assignments were given to us-.-What a good Day to start with huh.LOLs!Yups,and Hope You guyS'd also enjoyed the day back to School!^^*WiNksS!*
SimPly Love This DoggIe:DHeHesS! 
Thanks PEePs!(:
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