Life's not really on the right track lately, seeing people around me getting stressed up, experiencing moodswing and signs of 'teenage moodless syndrome'..maybe, i'm affected in a way or two..has been getting piles and mountains of other school's prelims much things to little time-is that what kept the world go round?
Has been travelling to and fro from school for night study..hope those time spent wasn't wasted..I'm sure things will turn out right, but will it be that easy as it may sound?Probably not, effort and hardwork plays their individual role.
Things wasn't going well for me today, some people are just not sensible enough to mind the words coming out from their mouth, don't bother to think about it anymore.Thanks to Huihui for making my 'night'!haa!Going to JElib at night's awesome!having the whole area to ourselves..COOL:)-A productive night study for today indeed:)
That's about it for the week.Got a good news from Mrs Quek and Mrs Ng, saying that they allow us to plan our own grad day!The criteria is..
-it cannot eats up into the night..referring to the timing, as the security guards ends their duty then.
-Attire:as long you're not wearing too scantily, formality is preferred, something more presentable
-Suggested plan: change the library to a pub, having sparkling juices and food served, dance floor(of course with those shelves cleared!), and messages and video played on the screen.Room will be in darkness, there will be reception set up outside the library.The library counter outside the computer room will be transformed into some 'pub-counter'.
*If anyone of you have any better ideas, do suggest it, having songs that you want to be selected, timeline of activities, how you want friends and teachers to show their appreciation(e.g writing notes and put them into balloons?-suggested by mrs quek)and how you want the whole event to end(i.e Finale)
Hope to hear the good news and let's hope that the teachers' effort will not go to waste and make it a memorable last day in school:)
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