Monday, October 26, 2009

HAppy XX BirThday to AH GONG:DD

Happy XX BirThday to AH GONG!!:D
Had another family gathering as usual today to celebrate ah gong's birthday:)
Sighhs.It's a sad thing when you'd to coop yourself up in a room when everyone's enjoying themselves outside..laughing and chatting away:(Miss Jessie luhh..the last time i met her was like...chinese new year?when she don't even know how to speak or walk..but just within a few months..she can speak simple words and walk like penguin!!haA!damnnn cutE:) that's about it for today..damn tired le..enjoy the pictures then:DD
Jessie and her innocence..
Playing a game of hiding her promegranate..
She's just so cute:D
Jessie:'..Don't take my breaD!'
Ah gong's birthday..but yiru's blowing the candle..LOL!
Hongkuan's phobia of 'fragile object'..ha!

Zoomm-ing off to MUG!!:D

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