Anyways, another paper's down again!EL P2 today.Paper wasn't as difficult, but my stomach cramp took my focus away:(Hope i didn't do really badly.Working real hard for the upcoming amaths paper.JIAYOU People!
With the O's nearing..i think people around are feeling the tensity in them..parents may start to nag a little over small issues,but think twice,they meant no harm:DAlways think on the positive side and tell yourself that there are people out there who care for you..so don't give up alrights!:D*place your two index finger on the ends of your mouth and pull it up!-SMILE!!(:*
If not, follow the picture above..suck it REAL hard..and take a photo of yourself..have a good laugh!haa!Worse come to worse,collect all the funny pictures of your friends and have a good laugh at them..though it's kind of BAD.haa!=X
Don't let all these stress and bad happenings in life affect you..allow your positive mentality to WALLOP them HARD enough in the NUTS!*Victory pose*
In short..SMILE and I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day(:

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