Wonder what has got into me..was feeling alright this morning..suddenly, I began coughing and having slight headache..let's hope everything will be fine tomorrow.Or else, tomorrow's lesson will be ruined.Will only upload some group photos today. For more photos, you can feel free to drop by my facebook photo album(:
Went to JP at 8am this morning and helped peeps who're taking their Nlevel tmr with their Chinese..sorry yeah, i think i didn't get to help much. It's more on your part now..all the best for your papers tmr!!:D
Decided to drop by the army open house for a while and came back by noon as they have to continue with their revision for tmr's exams.It's a rather good weather for a walk and some small chats:DDid face painting and while we were walking around..the kids were watching at yonghao and huihui with those kind of 'mummy,monster!' expression..damn funny.
Went on to meet up with sis for lunch.Thanks to Shufei for getting my notes(:
I think i'd better go and rest before i have blur vision..enjoy your sept holidays people!(not for the graduating peeps, cos i doubt we'd the time to enjoy:( )
P.S We can enjoy all we want after O's!!(:
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