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To Add On More PicTures(:(:
YEAP!The Main Celebration was TODAY(:Was SUPER Busy,running here and there today.While yiwen and yingying was relaxing and waiting for the time to crawl by in the canteen,sorry about that ya!Had science prac in the morning and after that, we had like HOURS to spare before the next lesson.Went around to get the 'Cards' from peeps and compile them together.
But things always go against the way we want them to be!Kris and huihui had NPCC duty,Hanlin and Yonghao had Camp and some others had lesson to go to!Have to MASS message all of them to inform them when to gather.Got a BAD news from sis,saying that the donut 'cake' that we pre-ordered on wednesday's not at JP yet!so have to wait for an hour.FREAK!That was how i reacted.Waited anxiously for the cake but thanks to dear SIS!You RAWKS man!haha,so yeahs,went to collect the cake from her with shaoyi and gathered in the canteen.
In the end,we decided to get up to the library and hide near the stairway while khairul went to tell yingying that i was crying or met with some mishap!*touchwood,haha!*Initially,mabel was the one going in to tell her,but she was in the verge of breaking into LAUGHTER when she open the door,so yeahs,Khai went instead:D
When she rushed out, Standley took the cake in hand and all of us SANG the birthday song as usual,Sad luhs,she didn't cried though she have the 'surprise' look.haha!Got down to the canteen to eat the donuts and played around.okays,the pictures shall do the talking.Hope yingying'd a GREAT day(:
The Ppt during science chem prac:D
That was when we're done with ours:D
Simply love the CREATIVITY YanHui have!HahA!
STandley's indeed an ART student too.Haa!
Hide at the corridoor to compile the wishes from peepS:D
Jiasheng's SWEET too.Haa!
Kris's wishes to Her:D
JiaYing and Yongyun know what she likes hur.Nice..
From Ain(:
That's the back page of jiaying and yongyun's 'card' for her.
Jayne's one is NICe too:D
Nisa drawing the fries and stuff.
Rushing off before she arriveS!
Meeting them at the netball court first.
The Cake's a SPECIAL one.haa!
I LOVE The BOX luhh!Even nicer than the cake:x
Before mabel walk towards the door...hah!
Her dearest LAOPA!
'FAMILY' Photo.Haa!
Pretty Birthday GIRL(:You're 16!
Reading the cardS:D
FirSt Group photo.More on Hanlin's blog:D
POORTHING~That's what i'm MOST afraid of during Birthday Celebrations..
But the cream's nice hur?haha!
Awww.It's 'NICE'..Unforgettable yeahh:P
ATTACK!Not only the birthday girl kena the CREAM~
The Cute Grasshopper Attracted our Attention and made us JUMP!!
Poor MABel..
Hanlin's tears are WHITE~
YuMmy choc CREAM!
The MEss we Made..
So sweetttt...LOL!
Opening the presents..
Hope she'll like it!
Micky MP3!~Cute:DD
Badminton time!
Haha,Everyone's AIMING jayne~
FaRrell's SMILING..HAHA!*RARE eh:x*
Will miss Mrs Tan's Lesson:(
POCKY Collection!(:
~Tat's all for the day!Hope Yingying'd a Memorable Birthday yeah,Once again..Happy SWEET 16!!^^
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