Happy BirThday To You..Happy BiRthday to You..Happy Birthday to JAYNEEEE..Happy birthday to YOUUU!!!!~
Yeahs!Specially dedicated this post to JAYNE GOH JING YI!Happy 16th Birthday GIRL(:Hope you'd a GREAT and Memorable day yesterday yeahh:DDSorry for the STORIES that we've made up and tricked you one after another:X.And I shall now, reveal to you what's actually going on at the BACKSTAGE..haa!
Sorry Earthlings..haven't been updating my blog for the past few days as the pictures for the prep can't be uploaded in case JA-nee sees it..so yeahs.Have to update my blog a few days later..Alrights, so back to the topic..on Tuesday, Yanhui, Yiwen,Yiyue and Me met up together and get Jayne's BIG BIRTHDAY CARD done..while on Monday, I started finding all the pictures and got all of them printed out:D
All of us gathered at JP yesterday in the noon to get her Birthday cake at the Icing Room..where we get to decorate and make some kind of 'CREATIVITY' out of the simply cream cake:)Sorry that we didn't get you a Bigger cake yeah, cos we wanted to spend more for the DINNER:D
At around 3pm+, when Jayne's mum message me to let me know that they're on the way home..All of us RUSHED to her house and got her auntie to ACT with us too..so when she's stepping into the house, we'll all give her the BIG SURPRISE!Okays, those who were there will know how funny the situation was..But GLAD to know that she'd gotten the surprisE!
In the evening, we went on for ZHIChar(Since Jayne was craving for that for her Birthday treat)..and Gosh, we ended up DAmnn FULL~Bus-ed to JP after that to do some shopping while we wait for Akira and Jon for their Surprise given to Jayne next..they even have the time to go to Fairprice to sHOP..LOL!Make us bringing jayne around to tuo yan shi jian mann!
So yeaps, all in all, We'd a Great Chat and laughs too!Shall let the pictures to tell you more about it(:(:ENJOY!And once again..HAPPY BirTHDAY JAYNE!(:
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