Wasn't in a really good mood today in fact,perhaps,the tired-ness and stress level plays a part for that too.But frankly speaking,I seriously hate it when someone vent their anger on the others just plainly because they're in a very bad mood or something.For once,I'm going to HATE something x.X Most of the teachers are like 'MONSTERS' today(Kind of going around with the same kind of face',hope all of you will have a good rest during the hols(:), but thanks to Mr Ngiow especially for starting the day off with an interesting lesson^^You RAWKSS mann.HAha!Despite of him feeling kind of uneasy about the lesson observation,i think he's done a GREATT job!*ApplauseS!*The First lesson gave a good start to the day but as the day went on, some of us were rather PISSED off. It's not just that teachers are going after us for our files for the respective subjects, it may be our fault for not being able to hand in the stuff on time.But playing on my part,I've already informed the class, and I can't possibly go to the houses and DIG the stuff out yeah?Just hope that some teachers can be more understanding,It's a way of complaining on my blog perhaps.So,Do pardon me for that yeah.I can understand the stress level the teachers may be put under by no matter the HODs or Principal or etc who'd gave them a task to do or another deadline to meet,but i guess sometimes, the pupils may be the innocent victims too.Okayys,CHILL people~( A Msg for mE hur:P)HAha!With the GP coming up and the last lap of revision we've to go for,everyone may be hectic for a moment or two.So the one reading this,thanks for spending the time here yeahh,and Best of luck to All the PEople out there who're sitting for ya' CL'O'!!!I'm sure we can all do it!!:DD
Went for the AYG briefing today after school and the events sound rather exciting:DDCan't wait for that day to come but for now,SETTLE DOWN and MUG!LOLs!*STretch~*Borrowed some Books from the library today and it was until today that i realised our school library actually have such a huge collections of assessment books and revision materials,hope they helps:DOkays,some photos to wrap up this post as usual:DChEers PeePs!^^
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