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SeLaMat HaRi RaYa!!XD
~SeLaMat HarI RaYa AdilFiTrI!WOoTs!A SpeCial Arrangement for this Year!And Phew~Finally, the last Paper(aMAths P2)'s OVER!!!But Getting back the results'll be another round of Heart Attack, Dun think i'm gnna score Real wEll this time round, anw, shant Bother about the exams anymore...IT'S OVER!!RuSh back home Straight after the Cl Listening Compre, Gort Change into my Baju and Met Up with Yiwen, Yiyue, Kris and Yingying, all so pretty! We were all in different Colours of Malay Traditional Costume..Haha!Gathered At The Bus stop near Syaff's house and that was our first stop!And Thanks for their Invitation yeaps!My first time to walk on street wearing the malay Baju..hah!Cool luhs!But some of the passer by were looking at us as if we were weirdos.hah!One of them even came forward to ask if why are we wearing the malay costumes instead of the Chinese...typical S'poreans hur?Kpo.haha!Had Lotsa' Fun going around all the Peeps' Houses and eating all the cookies too!Yummies!They really have great cookingsS yeaps:DThanks for the Green Packets first time to get green packets damn cool!Haha,Next year's CNY'll be their turn to collect the Red PacketS!hah!Was kindda tiring after visiting all the houses...from Jurong toBukit Timah....then Back to Jurong, Wanted to Go To Elna's House At Taman, but it was too late then..haha.another time perhaps!Kays, shant bored you with all the words yeaps..below are some of the SnaPs of the Day!All THe PreTtAire And HandSomes:D.hah!Love All Of YOU!!EVERY SiNGLE ONE!ThanKs For The GreaT And MemorAble dAY^^
P.S I SeRiously Ate Too Much Today Luhs, We Ate In Most Of The PeePs' House We VisIt And Frankly Speaking, The Food's YUmMY:D
It's Kindda weird to walk in th interchange with the Baju, but it's COOL!HAh!
A 'Family' Photo At Syaff's House..17 Of us..LOVE THEM LOTS!;Khairul Looks wrong.hah!
The Four Babe!Atikah, Syaq, Elna ad Atiqah!:D
The Mess We Made..Sorry Mubin~;X
AtIqah Preparing the food and Drinks..Thanks!And Your MUm's Cooking RawKs!xD
PreTty KrIs in Her Blue Baju, With The Yummy Cookie!YUM YUM!!
Atiqah's Cousin's ANGRY!HumPh!Cutie Pie hur!
YiWen with Her Fav Chicken Wing;P
SmiLeys:D, Yiyue, Me and Yiwen~
The Cutie Among The PreTtie:D
ElNa And AtiQah's Coussie:D..WaTiQah?Nort too sure with the Spelling~
BleAhs!Ying Ying, Me, And YiWen:D..The 红蓝绿..
PreTTie Amani With The CutIe!~
HaVing Our Second Meal At SyaqiNah' HousE!Haha..The First Round..LOL!..SMILE!(:
PEacE:DThe FOur Chinese 美女。。
ELna On ScReen~
AtIqAh, The GrEat CameRa Women Of The DAY!
TADA!Here She Is Again;P
Syaff Enjoying the Night Scene At Faiz's HousE~
Enjoying All the Munchies:D
GrEen Packets..haha,Nort really green in fact:D
>>Kays, so that should be all, had a really tiring but FUN Day yeahs...hope to have another time of such great fun!Yeaps, shall end my post here^^Once Again, wishing all the Malay a SELAMAT HARI RAYA ADILFILTRI!:DDDDDDDDD
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