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COuNtLess Fun At ECP!!:DDDDD
Do Pardon me for nort updating for the past few days yeahs...has been kindda busy with my school events and some outings:D..hah!Went to Vivo for Yingying's sake on Friday and poor ying ying sprained her leg on the way to vivo,aiyosh,that sha mei...she was so damn high luhs,jumpin g on the steps some take care yeahs,dont walk too much..and hope she'll recover in no time^^..saw marcus singing in the restaurant and we went on for our dinner..As for saturday, woke up early in the morning and met up with some peeps at JE and train-ed all the way down to Bedok and cab-ed to East Coast ParK!!haha..Had lotsa' fun luhs...we cycled all the way from ECP to Changi beach!Haha...saw airplanes taking off on the way near Changi Airport!Cool luhs!Then went back to meet up with Huihui and Hanlin who came to join us later, rented rollerblades and bikes again..coincidentally, met Zhengyuan and some OBS peeps too:D..HAhas,didnt had chance to really talk to them..haha!As we're cycling, met Kenneth and Zhenkang!Didnt know they knew each other dehs..yeah, and this blur sotong here, fell.arghs!Cos my blade was sort of entangled luhs, so i lost my balance and fell, luckily it's nort too serious, jus some minor scratches..after the tiring hours, kris then cab-ed down to join us for dinner, felt so sorry luhs,cos i told her the wrong time for peak hour, make her pay extra money:x...yeaps,i think i'm typing far too much, shall proceed on to the PiCcie Part:D
P.S Thanks To EvEry Single One of you for The Awesome Day yeahs..Arghs..I'm TaNn-ED!;P
Dancing Practices without wan..
A Nice day at Vivo..
Resting by the pool..poor yingying's leg was kindda swollen..
Waiting for Marcus..haha!
Posing Hanlin..hah..the effects' kindda eerie~LOL!
Shufei enjoying the Sea Breeze after the long hours of cycling..
Shiok uh...
It looks as if Teeyong's fishing can..hah!
Bloom's hiding under the shelter from the scorching sun...
Smiles(:The Boys doesnt look at the least tired..LOL!
3500M more to Changi beach park..PheW~
Yonghao reaching the finishing line!'s jus some marathon event going on..
7510M more to EAST COAST!*Faints*
Airplane taking off~
CyCLing all the way!And bloom's cousin was really an incredible girl yeah!PRO~
Bloom's and Joan's 'BLACK' hands...cos their bike's chain went off..
See how happy Huihui and Stan are!haha!PEACE!
Trying to Cycle on her Blades..CAREFUL uh!
As we're having fun...The sun's shining as bright as ever..
*SnaPs!*A Group Photo..without me.hah!
A Good friend will always be there for you...
Going to the arcade for some tappy fun!xD
Teeyong's trying to be funny again~hah!
Haish,really give it up to Hanlin on DDR~haha!
The Tann-ED Hands..
And Mine..Pain luhs!
Tippy feet...that was me and Shufei on the way to Hort Park for our scholarship..
Emo Shufei hur~
And it's kindda weird yeah, cos this was the first time where i go for a scholarship that we have to go for a sundown walk after that...aiyosh, so everyone ended up jus following the crowds..
Went on to Vivo again after the walk to get Fatin's present with shufei, bought her a kitty and Chocolate, jus helped with the wrapping and all..hah!
Went to Hanlin's house after FE lesson with Kris on Monday, arghs,Zuki so bad luhs,bite me;X
But he still looks cute in this shot:D
Haish, the hopeless zi-lian one...and this was on tuesday.
Kris was kindda speechless then hur?LOL!
While yingying go for her haircut at sandstorm, we went on to the library for some Slacks.haha!Was kindda hilarious luhs!Found a Pregnancy and birth book under the bench and hanlin start flipping through,and guess what?!There was some nude photos!Gosh, then we start playing a stupid game where we flip the book and guess what we will see..haiyo, kris was 'lucky' enough luhs!and i was sitting right in front of heR!LAugh till i nearly cried!Designed our clique logo and name, haha..Temp. Decided as DJs:The dozen JokerS:Dhah!Cool yeah~Hope to see the design of the Tee soon!:DDDD
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