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*Shaggggg~*After the morning jog today, i feel as if my whole body is jellied..maybe it's been quite long ever since the last run yeahh..however, the point where we got to perspire it all out was SHIOK!haha!Has been rotting and slacking for WAYYYY toooo long:(The past week was rather happening with gatherings and collection os S&W tee and stuff..wouldnt be able to work these few days cos' of the upcoming ECE FOC and some other school events..Weeheee!Can't wait for school to start yeahh...I'm SERIOUS.I'm missing those mugging days somehow:))Went to NP ytd cos ying had to buy her lappy and Jayne wanted to download some softwares, met lotsa' friends:DDBe It Campmates or sec schmates, i miss them, esp those days that we'd once shared:))Shall let the photos tell you moreeee:DDD
Deciding which lappy to get..was pretty surprise to know that the promoter was our ECE Senior!!!*shock*
Dropped by Chinese Garden and went up the 7 stories high ''forgot what's the right term of it''..=X
The scenery was WOW..and love the fresh air mann!!*Breathe in~*
SHAGG-ed look:D
The actual sky colour was nicer..
Top view~
Enjoyed the breeze up there..and SNAPP-eD:D
Awww...*pinch nose*..LOL!
''I wanna REST~~''
Decided to drop by the nearby market..and realise..the shopping malls' meals are rather EX..
The DOG is HUGEEEE and he even have a f/b acc..OMG.
Love his fur:D
Went on to Yiwen's house for lunch:)HAOHAO's soooo cute:D-innocent look-
DAO the cam...:(
Active boy indeed~
Met up earlier to makan:DThat was on saturday, the NPSU FOC MASS Gathering at Sentosa!Had fun on the beach running and chatting around...though it's quite disappointing that they didn't plan a proper gathering..with matches and Cheering event..The BEST Part was still the cam-whoring:)))
After a good breakfast, we settled down to chat and playyyyy~:)
Flooded the tram~''Wee.....''
QaiSer's pretty shot:D
Weee!Love the feeling after the bath:)
Dinner time!!:D
Polaroids!!Love the shots:D
Where's dida?*point to the middle*
Kei kei!:)
Joyce and Kei kei:)
NPSU freshies, GLs, DH and Crew flooded vivo..haa!
Trilyn and Wendy!:D
Trilyn and joyceee:D-With background effect-
Trilyn and joyce!:D
Yvonne!:D-With BK peeping at the back-
Outdoor photos!Waiting for Skyler to upload them..
Taking a closer look at those shots..
*Flying kissess*
Bidding goodbyes with our GLS...:(
Had lotsa' fun cam-whoring on the way home~
*Tight hug* from Joey to Asraf!:D
Joyce and BK!!He's giving that awkward face again..ha!
Wendy, BK:))*hug*
A sweet buddy goodbye hug:)YEapp, so that's what happened on the past few days..wondering why, usually, i won't get such dizzy and moodless spell after my jog, today was totally SHAG...yiwen,jayne and yiyue will know what i meant..nearly fell asleep as the mahjong game went on...haa!Can't wait for the next work out!!!:DDI wanna get the FEEL againnnnnn..the RIGHT one:)
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