Has been really busy with a lot of stuff for the past few days and that explains why i haven't been blogging.Time's like flying like nobody's business cann!Without you even realising it..It's MARCH now..a few days more and it'll be APRIL,another month,It'll be JUNE!Gosh..Damn stress,trying REAL hard to manage my studies and revision,and of cos,trying to study hard and play hard at the same time.Haish,have to get someone to bring me on to the mood of studying!!And finally,my study table and all's set up(:All ready to start my O' revision.Jus speaking is never enough,actions definitely SPEAKS a MILLION time louder than words.alrights,has been real dead and wobbly for the past few days,being sick and unpacking my room,and now,mugging and trying hard to complete all my assignments.Tmr'll be a BRAND new day once again, with the tests and homeworks awaiting me.Getting damn BONKERS with the chemistry eqns,I jus dun understand why all the eqns can turn out that way!Gotta find sometime to catch up with my chem ,or maybe doing it from scratch.Urghs,hope time will jus kindly stop for a while.I'm panting...
~alrights,Gotta be back to my mugging once again, 'AJ JIAYOU!'
Haha!Okays,i think i'm super tired now to even type, and i doubt i'll be blogging as much these days..have to be more focus on my revision.any idea how can i revise for CL?haha!It seem difficult to study for EL and CL:p
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