Alrights,Super Abnormality today,but a good one i guess.Kays,This was what happened..starting from the NORMAL routine.Woke up early in the morning, went to market with sis for a good breakfast to start my day off:DGosh, was damn FULL~Bus-ed Down then to JE Library to Meet up with Yonghao, Kris, Stan, followed by Yiwen, yiyue, jianhong, shufei and hanlin joining us later(:Mug-ed for almost 5 hours,but was mostly helping out with their work too:DREvise as i 'teach' eh:pHanlin and Shufei was like competing with each other while me and kris sat aside to keep our watch on their workings.hah!After the long hours of mugging, the E-family left earlier to join their dad while we left for IMM for our Linner;Lunch+ Dinner?haha!:xWas Having a hard time deciding what to eat within such a FOOD PaRadise yeah, so in the end, we grab lotsa' different finger food and headed to the Garden Plaza on the 3 or 4th floor.Not very sure.Look kindda awkward but still, with all the laughters, we enjoyed our meal(:Not a proper one yeah.Then, walked around to shop and played around!Got into minitoons and you shall find out for yourself what we actually did as you read on:DD*Winks!*It's been rather long since we'd such fun hur:PBut Frankly speaking, today's a GREAT Day mann!It's like when was the last time i laugh till i had cramps?hah!You people jus Simply RawKs Cann!Study Hard, PLAY Hard!:)
Usual Soyabean milk to charge my day^^
Side Effects of the Fish Therapy;CuRious, Laughter and Beauty.LOLs!
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