Finally back to my blogging Again:D..haha!So After A Sweet and Goodnight Sleep, woke up in the morning, still with all the ItChiEs From my RasheS and Sandfly Bites..poor me,Sighs.Hope they'll heal in no time yeaps, and i overslept!Cab-ed then to school to gather for the Cycling Trip At Pulau Ubin,jus came back a few hours ago and i'm back there again, like what Mr Ng said,'My second home':)Haha!Had a Great time there and hope the Lower Sec'd Enjoyed the tRip there too!Lucky foR My group Yeaps,cos none of them fell and injured themselves:DAfter that, Cab-ed to JP for our Lunch with Jayne, Jiaying And Jeremy..The Js huh.LOL!..thanks To Jeremy luhs..did what he should do..LOL!Sorry luhs,but we did our part too^^..Today was kindda rushing for me,cos right after the quick lunch, Chiong back home,Bath-ed and Train-eD down to Clarke Quay To meet up with Yingying, Standley, Hanlin, ShuFei, Joan, Bloom, Cassandra and Yonghao(:PARty With A PurposE!The Highlight of the Day,cOs it's sort of a Charity Carnival organised by SAC we have to pay like $15 to get into DB-Oo for the PaRTy!Hahas..But This Time rouNd,Some of Us werent Feeling really well, like Shufei and Bloom,hope they'll get well soon yeahS!Had a great time There Luhs,though the mood werent really there;XKaes,Shall jus Blog some random pics tAken during the Excitements yeaps:D..Jus came back from the clinic,Doctor told me that i'd some body reactions and might have allergics..hope it wont be a big probs yeahs,gtta eat my med and rest well,cos he say i should be fine(:
Kaes,Shall end my post here yeaps..gtta rest more now..haha!See yA and enjoy your weekenDS!Thanks LotS To all The SweeTie PIes For The Great Night todAy yeah!;P
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