A Busy day today..but neverthless, it's a fruitful one!:DWoke up early in the morning and made our way to LE Office for briefing..sad that i'd to cancel my duties for IJ st Nic's camp:(Since I've promised Richard for the IT Fair duties, I'd to keep to it:)Hope i won't feel really disappointed for missing out such great fun!:(Nvm, there'll be more opportunities coming up..whereas, IT fair is a rare one:)Gain new experience:DManage to rush down to Challenger's main office and registered for the position..4 days of sales..wish me luck!:)Was really funny cos' coincidentally, me and Yiwen was wearing the same colour theme and people kept saying where we purposely wear like some twin..LoL!We didn't plan anything beforehand!-Telepathy ehh?-

That's all for the day!!:DD
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