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''K-A-K-O-S..KAKOS is the Very BEST...''''Hephaestus Oie...H-E-P-H-AES-TUS..HE-PHAES-THUS..Let's GO!!''''WAZZZZZUPPPP!!~''''I Feel good..Dadadadadadada~So good!Da-DA!''Was in HEPHAESTUS 3 and our Power Cheer Consist of 10 full CHEERS!!''Hephaestus says, Listen to their spear Crack!-Crack-Crack-crack...Hephaestus says listen to their wings flop!..Plop-plop-plop...Last but not least..Listen to the biscuit talk...''Though our sub group-KAKOS might not be really bonded for the first few days, at least we manage to get to bond before the camp ends:))However, when i first reach the camp, their Day 2 was a pretty disappointment..Night stations without team bonding games but a lot of cheerings.Maybe, they have their own ways to hype up the freshies!Still very much prefer how SC organise their stuff..SOD, GLs, F&B and COM rocks!!Don't wanna compare..cos on their Day3, the Water games were fun!!haha!You'll know more as the post goes on...(:
Went to get our pay at TCC and went to Swensens for lunch!It's the same day for my NDP interview too!:D
Dessert:DA good meal before proceeding to the camp..
Kelvin and Huiming met us on the bus..was all sent to different groups..(Apollo, Ares, Hermes and Hephaestus..)
Gathered by the grandstand and huiming kena dare for the game!It's to his advantage mann.cos he get to ask a girl for number!!:)Weehee~
Joey(MASSCOM!) and JoycE(Accountancy)!!:D
Trilyn and Yvonne!!:D
The event wasn't as happening..ended up sitting around and chat:DI miss those traditional camp songs, cheers and funny claps!!:(
Before getting into the convention hall for the 'camp fire night'...watching the GLs doing their skit..
The mood was like Red camp~
The NIGHT Truth or Dare...was talking about Eye candy..and when one of the com came by to give marbles, The guys(Asraf and Gibston) have to Lick each other's feet!!OMG..
Played Husband and Wife for like 3 hours?!SUPER FUn luhh,running around..and saw shooting star!!:D
Chat around while waiting for the rest to assemble..
Last day..
KAKOS Girls ROCK!!PRata for Breakfast..Cool~
Joking around..
Aiman the photographer:D
The Twin!They didn't plan to wear the same shirt mann.COincidence..
Mass Dance!!:DDDIT's the BEST part:D
Final show down..all the GLs cried:(
Cam-whore sessions:DBRenda!
Pringles for Teabreak~
RichaRD from hermes!!
Brenda and Gina!!:DD
The Friendships madE:D
Their flags are super niceee..
Photo taking~
Hugging one another as we left..
Drop by Fashion Flee Market at youth park..Yiwen, Yiyue, Joelynn, Amani were there!!:DMet Chelsea too:D
Trained to find Zhengyao for his belated birthday celebration!Hope he'd a great time and will like his card!:D
Pizza hut!!:D
Bought the hairband for St nic Girls!:D
That was what happened yesterday..Met up with Jayne early in the morning and made cards for our ORKA GLs!!:DSorry to make a mess at the restaurant mann:(
Even wrote while we're on the train~
And manage to complete everything in time!!We ROCK!!:D
Gathered at Cine..and did funny stuff...took LOTS of photos!
The photographer~
Rainer's dream girl~
The Cards for them:DD
SMILEEEEE!:DDDThat's all for this post...damnnn tired and shag now...IT's been like the FIRST day i get a proper rest since last week~Another exciting week coming up!!!:D
''I Say a BOOM ChiKKA BOOM!....''''BANG!BANG! CHOO-CHOO Train..Let me see you do your Thing!ORKA Is the BEST!!...''''ORKA OIE~DISCO!..ORKA OIE~DISCO GOOD!!....''The Cheers has been resonating in my mind..missing those wonderful moments that we've shared as a group..meeting one another as Stranger and within a short period of 4D3N..We've form good friendships that are possible to last a lifetime and find buddies who can RA-RA as ONE:)ORKA..With CGL-Ridhwan, GLs- Chelsea, Germaine, Gilbert, KaiJun, Alex, Leonard, Felix, ORKAs- Jayne, Ain, Charmaine, Mabel, Criss, Joelyn, YuanXiang, Yonglin, HuiMing, Marianne, Christine, Clare, Rainer, Edgar, Clarinda, Rachael, Leona, Chee ming, Alex, Andrew, Devy, Ivan..ORKA's SPORTSCAMP 2010 is indeed a COMPLETE Success!!*WeeeheeS!!*More photos to upload:)Had to surrender our valuables to GLs and didn't manage to take much are a few which i manage to capture:))P.S Thanks to every single one in guys simply ROCKS!!!*Yeahhh~*
Waiting for the rest to arrive~
Gathering as the purple PEOPLE.
We're SHY at first..
Day 1 Debrief...WE WANT BISCUITS!!:P
Long queue awaiting by the cubicles..had only like 5mins to wash up!*CHIONG!*
Our Tribe Identity:D
We're the ORKAs..
YongLin's 55 Powerful Trustie Clap!!
Day 2 breakfast!:)
Representatives from each group:)-8 colours...8 groups...ONE CAMP:D
GO Rainer and CRISS!:D
Proceeding to Kallang!!
Playing simple games on the way there..
Another exciting day awaits..
CCA Showcase!!Dragon boat is niceeee! Esp the way they cheer and Splash around:D
Manage to try out Wushu and Magnum Force:)
Brain-storming on our camp fire item..
In a blink of an 3 arrived..:(((
Enjoyed the PT...especially the way we do the counting..:))
Assembling as usual:D
Was so stunned by the group of RAPESQUAD..
After washing up, instead of heading towards out sleeping bags, we decided to sat down together and have a good chat:D
Presenting our CGL...Ridhwan!!:D
In order to help the F&B to clear their breads and at the same time, have fun, we played some simple games that allow us to do forfeit(EAT BREADSSSSSS)
*Points..Attract Attention!!3 or more!!*-Throw breadSss-
Moved to the gallery area and continued with 007 BANG!
It's 4am+ then..
After laughing around, gossiping, chatting with our seniors, it's 6am+..left for NEBO's event at snow city by 8am..Sad luhhh..gotta' miss the SPORTSCAMP's traditional gameS:(((They played with wasabi..drinks and paints..COOL:))
Manage to rush by around 2am and coincidentally, they're about to have lunch!!Love those makan cheers!!*SPORTS CAMP..ARE YOU HUNGRY????~~~~~~~~*
Flooded with people that needs a good wash up:)
Leaving a sweet note to those who made SPORTS CAMP POSSIBLE:)A BIG THANK YOU TO EM':))
Every little part we play is IMPORTANT:)
For the COM and F&B:)
Last meal together:((In the camp i meant..cos i'm sure we'll meet up for more gatherings in the near future!!!:D
Gathered in the the Montage!
It's super sweet of them to print the group photos out!!:))
Individual group cheer presentation...ORKA's Cheer is the BEST MANN!!
Didn't bear to leave one another and decided to proceed on for another group gathering:))
Some felt really emotional and in fact, i'm really proud of ORKA too!!We truly ROCKS luhh..*YEahhh~*YongLin's Trustie clap and Pink Panther Dance's niceee..haa!So that's about it for SPORTS other words could describe how AWESOME it is..except to EXPERIENCE it yourself!!:DD''SPORTS CAMP OIE!!!~WAZZZZZUPPP!!''