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ECP Day OUT!!Fun yet' Tiring:DD
(Aching legs and burning Cheeks:S)A Tiring and Enjoyable day indEed!Pulled myself out of bed early in the morning when i received the calls and messages from Atiqah, Sherman and Yonghao..Walked to JJC and met up with them..wanted to go for morning jog luhh.but since the participants are sort of preparing for their run, we decided to jus sit down and chat.haha!Went specially to support all the peeps!Especially 4A'o9 and Beta Participants!!Some juniors too(:JIAYOU!And i guess they're indeed REAL good RUNNERS mann!Haha!If I were to run 15oom, i'll sure be the last few.ha!Nearly got pulled by Ms Tan to run 2oom.but luckily, in the end, one of the runners agreed to help:DBeta RaWKs!Anw, Good Job yeah people!Esp Kristabel, Mabel, Thendral, Shaoyi, Yongyun, Syaqinah, Zhenfeng, Farrell and Yonghao!Tyco de luh!Pro-ness!After getting Breakfast for sis and mummy, rushed back home, washed up, ate, and met up with peeps at JP(:Trained down to JE with yiwen , yiyue and jianHong to join the rest there:DContinued our journey downtown..Cab-ed then to ECP!!The Fun started then(:Some of them lunch-ed at Mac before we went to rent our bikes:DLike the previous trip, we cycled all the way down to Changi beach, but on the way, some hiccups occurred and poor Kristabel and Huihui flew out of their bike.aiyosh!Poorthink luhh,and hope they're alright:DDidn't witness-ed what actually happened as we(Standley, me, amani and yingying) were far at the back cycling slowly:p Then yiwen suddenly called to to tell us the bad news.Rushed all the way to where they are and tried to help with the situation, in fact, we were jus standing luhh,LOL!Continued cycling back to ECP when joan, bloom, cass and shufei join us:DToo bad they had to leave earlier yeah..sobs:(And Glad that Shufei found her phone!^^That sotong girl.aiyo.After the long hours of cycling, we settled down at the beach and started another round of FUN!LOL!Pleash, it's like all of us ended up sandy and wet luhh,except kris, weixuan and standley.Humph.Enjoyed ourselves anw!YEah,trained down to Tampines mall after that for dinner^^Felt damn bad luhh,cos initally, we were suppose to have dinner together, then in the end we split:( Alrights, shall upload some pictures ya(:All in all, had lotsa' fun together and thanks to standley for the pictures yeah!:D
P.S My legs're super wobbly and aching now>.
Participants preparing for their run..JIAYOU!
Syaq, All the way!!~
KrisTabel and Thendral!!JIAYOU!!*Shake pom pom!*
BETA!!!GO GO GO!!~*CheEring on..*
DeLTa Came in the first..Congrats(:
Waiting for the first runner up to reach the finishing line~
Zhenfeng!MAX The limit of your LONG LEGS~~Hah!
PEACE~~Huihui and kris(:
Trying to get EMO~
Specially made for THEM~
Getting our bikes:DHuihui nearly scare the hell out of me when i was cycling the doubles with her luhh!吓死人。。But it's FUN!LOL!:S
Cycling on the way to Changi beach~
A PuRr-Fect weather for the day:DDD
The Casualties~Poorthing:(
Let's JUMP!!!
Allow the Swash to bring in the sweet memories and the strong backwash to carry the unwanted ones away~(:-Typical Geog language-
Looks really serious..but read on..
Trying to be Funny~CanDid~:D
See that?HAHA!It's OBVIOUS..
the Tall ones, and the TaLLer Ones(:
She Actually took the bandage out to play..LOL!
Ganging up??Jason uh..
ATTACK!!!Having a Sand war by the beach~Hah!!xD
Weixuan's the next victim..*Piak*
The Sky's SUPERB mann,simply love it(:(Credit:stan and huihui)
Playing around with sand..Hee(:We're not too old to play with sand hur.
Trying to trap Jason's legs in the sand.
LEaving printings on it too:p
The Kiddies seemed to be enjoying themselves too..joining in to bury yonghao..hah!poor yonghao~
That's what happening..
Yingying after bathing in the sea..hah!Nice one(:
ReFlection cam whore once again^^
Bidding our goodbyeSs to Amani..LOL!
As the train went on..i guess people around should be thinking if we're ALRIGHT~Oops:x
Huihui with her Curry Chicken bake rice:D
Standley with his Fish Bake Rice:DTrying to act dao hur.
And My Salmon 'n' Mushroom bake rice:D
That shows how hungry we are...after cycling for the whole day.hah!*YuMmSs!*
Bill pleash..
Look up, And SMILE!!^^
Us Seating at the whole row~~
They were bullying the bag:p
Plucking the wordings out one by one..
And It ended up like this..LOL!
Random letters:x
He's getting TOO Hungry..
Thanks to stan yeah..the lane looks nice yeah..the lane which carries memories:DD
enjoying the scene as the flight land and take off..
Getting bored as we waited for the took some pics:DD
Standley artistic doings..LOL!
And the birthday gift from my sweet sister!Didn't know she'd go and buy it luhh.Love it^^
~Ending this post off with a smile grinning from ear to ear..and a frown over the aching legs and cheeks kena the sunburn again.hope the skins are not peeling tmr:pnighties people(:
Gotta go and get Mr ngiow's , Danny's, and Caiyun's gift soon:DDWishing them a happy birthday in advance yeah:DDawaiting yet another busy and exciting week ahead~~
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